to give unto them...the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness... Isaiah 61:3

I was feeling constantly tired, fatigued. Even when I came back to continue with this page and blog, I had said I had initially left due to fatigue. I had a lot to do and I was anxious and panicking about getting it all done. I would get really afraid that I'm not doing enough. Questions had poured in to Sanctified People and I couldn't reach everyone as I hoped I would. This made me feel low until I told God I can't reach people while I'm feeling anxiety, low, inadequate. I'm human and I can't do anything mighty without God. At the beginning of this month, I sought God and in my spirit I heard the words "spirit of heaviness". I looked it up and understood God was telling me that's what was affecting me. 
It's at the realisation that heaviness was affecting my ministering and doing the fashion and design business that I do with my sister, that I sought to do deliverance from the spirit of heaviness.
I am glad to say that I feel much better now after I did the deliverance. I'm amazed and thankful that the heaviness and anxiety is now gone. Pray these prayers regularly until you feel completely free and you're no longer feeling heavy in your spirit. Study the word of God about the spirit of heaviness. Deliverance is your portion in Jesus name. 

Heaviness and anxiety can affect anyone for whatever reasons. It usually leads to sadness and depression. We live in a time when expectations are high and sometimes we place that heavy burden on ourselves forgetting that we're to do what God tells us to do, not what outside pressures expects us do. Our expectation should come from Him. Psalms 62:5. 
Of course we shouldn't slack in our crucial responsibilities but we should remember not to place loads on ourselves that God has not given us to carry. 

Even people who preach God need constant deliverance. All of the deliverance prayers in Sanctified People, I've prayed them myself too; point by point. It is wise for a minister of God to get deliverance because that's how you become effective in preaching the word of God and in helping other people in their deliverance. Because, how can you cast out the mote out of your brother's eye if you do not cast the beam out of your own eye? Matthew 7:4-5.

I usually incorporate bible verses in deliverance prayer points because the word of God is a double edged sword in spiritual warfare. Hebrews 4:12, Ephesians 6:17 


◆Heavenly Father, your word tells us to be anxious for nothing but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving, we let our requests be made known to You. Father right now, I refuse anxiety in my life in Jesus name. 

◆I cast out anxiety right now. Anxiety, I bind you and command you to leave in Jesus name. Get out right now, leave in Jesus name. Come out, come out (repeat "come out" many times) 

 ◆God has not given me a spirit of fear. He has given unto me a spirit of love, a spirit of power and a sound mind. 2 Timothy 1:7 

◆Therefore right now, with the authority and power that Jesus Christ has given me to tread upon serpents and scorpions and over all the power of the enemy, I bind you spirit of heaviness right now with hot chains dipped in the blood of Jesus.

◆I bind you and command you to lose your hold over my life, in the name of Jesus. Lose your hold over my mind, my thoughts. Lose your hold over my body right now, lose your hold over my soul in the mighty name of Jesus. (Repeat many times: lose your hold, lose your hold)

◆Heaviness, come out of my mind, out of my will, out of my emotions, out of my body, out of my spirit, in Jesus name. (repeat "out, out, out" many times)

◆Father, send hosts of angels of judgement, burning and destruction over the spirit of heaviness, the root cause of this spirit and it's minions. Let your angels declare judgement upon them and spoil their habitation right now, in Jesus name.

◆Let your angels, using the fire of the Holy Ghost, scatter the brood of heaviness from their roots right now, in Jesus name. Heaviness, scatter right now, scatter, scatter, scatter (repeat scatter as many times as possible)

◆Angels of God, hinder heaviness never to return, regroup nor reinforce. Angels of God chase the spirits of heaviness and persecute them. Ps 35:5-6.

◆I now loose spirits of blindness, deafness, dumbness, confusion, civil war, judgment, burning, and destruction upon the brood of heaviness.

◆Whatever heavy load that heaviness has unloaded on me, that load does not belong to me! Spirit of heaviness, pack your load right now and go. Angels of God bind the loads onto the brood of heaviness. Spirits of heaviness, put your loads on yourself seven times heavier. Pack your filthy loads and go. Pack your load, pack your load, pack your load (repeat "pack your load" many times)

◆In Jesus name, I totally destroy and crush heaviness. Heaviness, fire of the Holy Ghost upon you right now. (Repeat "Fire, fire, fire" many times). Heaviness, die right now! Die, in the name of Jesus. 

◆I break every wicked and evil soul tie that is binding me with chords of heaviness. Father, sever every ungodly souultie in my life that's binding me to the wrong things and keeping me bound (I will soon post thorough deliverance prayers against ungodly soul ties)
Soultie break, soultie break, in Jesus name. 

◆Every taskmaster set over me to afflict me with burdens, to make me serve with rigour, to make my life bitter with hard bondage (Exodus 1:11-14), I set you on fire in Jesus name. (Burn, burn, burn;  repeat many times)

◆Every wicked spirit set to catch my blessings, die right now in Jesus name. (Repeat die many times. When we command wicked spirits to die, we're commanding them to cease completely from operating in our lives) 

◆In the name of Jesus, I cancel and nullify the assignment and plans of heaviness. 
Heaviness, your works have amounted to nothing. They stop right now, in Jesus name.

◆Fire of the Holy Ghost, set on fire the garments of curses upon my life in the name of Jesus.

◆Holy Spirit of God ransack my body and repair every hormonal imbalance. Reset and restore my hormones to work accordingly in your will.

◆In the name of Jesus I cast off any wicked burdens and break any wicked evil yokes placed on me.
I cast off yokes and burdens laid on me through evil soul ties to people, places, things, events and spirits.

◆Father, I come to You. Your word says "come to me all who are heavy laden and I will give you rest". Heavenly Father, I come to you, I come to You Jesus. Break heaviness off of me in Jesus name. Break off wicked and evil yokes. (Repeat break, break, break)

◆Heavenly Father, give me rest. Grant me your supernatural rest, in Jesus name. 

◆I plead the blood of Jesus over my life, over my body, my spirit, my mind, thoughts, will and emotions in the name of Jesus.

◆Blood of Jesus, cover every area of my life in Jesus name. Cover my finances, cover my health, cover my family, cover my household, cover my job, cover my property. 

◆Father place on me your yoke, place on me your burden. For your word says your yoke is easy and your burden is light. 

◆Holy Spirit of God, enable me to always pray and offer my supplication unto God with thanksgiving. Enable me to pray to always pray and not to faint. Luke 18:1. 

◆I decree a sound mind upon my life. Heavenly Father, give me a sound mind, in the name of Jesus. Father, Give me the mind of Christ. 1 Corinthians 2:16. 

◆Father, fill me with your Holy Spirit to enable me to do what you want me to do. Let my expectation come from you. 

◆Lord Jesus, give me a garment of praise for the Spirit of heaviness. 
Lord Jesus, give me beauty for ashes. 
Lord Jesus, give me the oil of joy for mourning. Everlasting joy shall be unto me. 
Lord Jesus, make me a tree of righteousness, the planting of the Lord, that You may be glorified. Isaiah 61:2-3.

◆Lord Jesus, let me seek you, let me rejoice and be glad in you. Psalm 40:16. 

Thank you Jesus for your deliverance in my life. 
In Jesus name I pray, Amen. 

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