Spirits of sexual perversion (sexual sin) are among some of the most difficult to cast out. This is an area that the devil attacks to the very deepest level. I have had people seek deliverance from spirits of sexual perversion and they come back for more deliverance.

Satan exploits this area in people's lives because of the strong blood covenant formed between a person and fornication demons. It gives satan and his demons a one way unhindered doorway to attack almost anything in people's lives. Sexual sin can cause so many problems in someone's life. Financial, marital, health, career, family; any area is open to the devil through this sin. It's the reason why God condemns it with unwavering firmness. It's the reason the bible says, It is good for a man NOT to touch a woman, 1 Corinthians 7:1. Yes, no kissing, not even a peck on the cheek, no holding hands, nothing. Even if you're getting married in the next 5 minutes. Spirits are also transferable through touch. It's why when the woman with the issue of blood touched Jesus and she was healed. By the time you're getting married, sexual sin should not be an issue to you. You cannot be getting into marriage with anti-marriage demons.

Sexual sin demons cause layers and layers of problems and issues. Infact when they start leaving, you will experience freedom in areas you didn't even know were linked to the demons. For example for those who are married, you wonder why your spouse seems to hate you or irritate you? Those are symptoms of spirits of sexual perversion. These spirits mostly come out when you find out their works and how they operate. Constant deliverance, a renewal of the mind, resisting them, and fasting gets them out. It takes a long time, minimum 6 months to a year. Freedom from them is achievable but only in the redemptive power of Jesus Christ. You cannot wish them away, you cannot 'positively speak' to them away as prosperity gospel christians are used to speaking positively about everything, they come out only through deliverance and submitting to God in this area 100% in body, soul and spirit. 

I talk about this issue on Sanctified People facebook page and blog. I will update and dedicate an entire blog label on just this topic. In these last days, sexual sin is also becoming acceptable in churches. These demons will become stronger and will route many people to hell. But with the deliverance power of Jesus Christ, rooting out these demons is possible. 


Spirits of sexual perversion, I today take authority against you and command you to LEAVE right now in the Name of Jesus Christ. 
I command you to leave my body, I command you to leave my soul, leave my mind, my spirit, and my thoughts. Leave my marriage/singlehood, leave my finances, leave my children, leave my home, leave my businesses, leave my career, leave my occupation. Leave everything that God has blessed me with. 

You demons have no place in my life.  I will not be brought under your power satan.  My body is not for fornication but for the Lord. I am not one with you demons. 1 Corinthians 6:12-20 

I have been bought with the price of the blood of Jesus, I will glorify God in my body and spirit. 

As the word of God says whatever I bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever I loose on earth will be loosed in heaven, Matthew 18:18.

Therefore I bind you spirits of sexual perversion right now in the Name of Jesus Christ. The God my Father and the blood of Jesus will bring me deliverance and success. As for you wicked perverse spirits, you have no portion, no right, nor memorial in my life, in my marriage/ singlehood, in my finances, in my parenthood, in my occupation, business, career. I destroy each and every legal ground that you are claiming to stand on. Nehemiah 2:20. 

Right now, I renounce and repent of my sins in Jesus name. I repent of my father's and mother's sins that brought a sinful sexual altar in my life. I repent of my forefathers sins both on my mother's and father's side that established a sinful sexual altar. I repent of all sexual sin in the Name of Jesus. (Mention all the sins of sexual perversion that you have ever participated in that you can recall, mention all the names of the people that you have participated in them with that you can recall. Mention molesters and abusers too.)

Heavenly Father, I pray that you forgive me of my sins. Wash me and purge me with your blood. I have sinned and fallen short of your glory and I have grieved your Spirit too. I repent of all my sins and unrighteousness and I ask that you wash me with your precious blood. Your word says that though our sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool, Isaiah 1:18. I realise now that my sins were not only physical but also spiritual and the damage was far much than what my mind could think. Forgive me Father. I am willing to come back to you and leave my sins in the past and forsake my sinful ways. (You can spend time in this area of repentance as the Spirit of God leads. There is freedom in repentance too. God will begin to do some healing and repairing as you repent. It is good to dedicate some days just for repentance)

I have been forgiven and cleansed by the blood  of Jesus that was shed on the cross for my sins. With the authority that I have been given to trample on serpents and scorpions and over all the power of the enemy, Luke 10:19, I cast you out demons right now. Leave right now! 

Heavenly Father send hosts of angels of destruction, judgement and burning upon all spirits of sexual sin in my life. Father let your angels attack them without mercy, binding and burning them to ashes with the fire of the Holy Ghost. 

Father, let your Spirit ransack my whole being body, soul and spirit, locating point by point where these demons are hiding. Let your angels hook them out and set them on fire. 

Angels of God bind them, bind, bind, bind. (Repeat this word bind as many times as possible)
Angels of God attack them, attack, attack, attack, attack (Repeat this word attack as many times as possible)
Angels of God burn them, burn, burn, burn, burn, burn (Repeat this word burn as many times as possible)

Spirits of sexual perversion you want to steal, kill and destroy me. In the Name of Jesus, I refuse for you to plunder me. I command you wicked and perverse spirits to leave right now in the Name of Jesus. (Mention the spirits that you know may be afflicting you on a day to day basis: fornication, pornography, adultery, masturbation, sexual fantasies, etc. Cast those spirits out in Jesus Name.)

Perversion spirits I refuse your works in Jesus Name. Your works of evil will not come to fruition or manifestation. Leave any and all areas that you have taken hold of. Leave my mind, body soul and spirit right now, in the Name of Jesus Christ. Spirits of sexual perversion, I destroy you and your works in the name of Jesus Christ.

The word of God says he who the Son sets free is free indeed, John 8:36. I am free indeed right now in the name of Jesus. God has began a mighty work in me to the pulling down of strong holds and everything and every imagination that sets itself up above the knowledge of Christ, 2 Corinthians 10:4-5.

I cancel and break every demonic legal ground in my life. I cancel and break sexual, physical, spiritual, mental, abuse and molestation; in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Father I forgive and release all abusers and molesters of any nature. I do not carry the burden of unforgiveness, revenge, bitterness and pride; in the Name of Jesus. Enable me to let go heavenly Father. I release this burden to you oh Lord, take it from me and cast it away from me. Give me your yoke to carry heavenly Father, give me your burden  to carry oh King of kings. Your yoke is easy and your burden is light, Matthew 11:28-30.

I cancel and break doorways in my life, with the blood of Jesus and in the Name of Jesus. I close all doorways with the blood of Jesus. Father I pray that you may reveal to me the doorways and mindsets in my life that may keep me bound. I speak righteousness and holiness into my life so as not to create doorways and legal ground in my life.

I take back seven times my Godly virtues and blessings that were set apart for me since my conception here on earth. I plunder the enemy's camp and take back Godly spoils seven times because it is the law of the word of God for a thief to repay. No demon in hell shall spoil me and I fail to despoil. I take valuable spoils from the enemy's camp. I pillage and destroy the enemy's camp completely, never for them to rise again. 1 Samuel 30:18-20. I destroy their covering and strongholds in the name of Jesus, I destroy all evil gatekeeper spirits. 

In the name of Jesus, I take and claim victory. Victory is mine in the Name of Jesus and by the power of the Holy Spirit. 
I thank You Jesus for your blood and I thank You for victory. Father, this is the beginning of a victorious life in holiness and purity. This is the beginning of a process and a season of being purged and being sanctified. I pray that Jesus You fill me with your Spirit, your strength, and your power. In Jesus mighty and powerful Name that is above all names, I pray.

Amen, amen.

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