to give unto them...the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness... Isaiah 61:3

I was feeling constantly tired, fatigued. Even when I came back to continue with this page and blog, I had said I had initially left due to fatigue. I had a lot to do and I was anxious and panicking about getting it all done. I would get really afraid that I'm not doing enough. Questions had poured in to Sanctified People and I couldn't reach everyone as I hoped I would. This made me feel low until I told God I can't reach people while I'm feeling anxiety, low, inadequate. I'm human and I can't do anything mighty without God. At the beginning of this month, I sought God and in my spirit I heard the words "spirit of heaviness". I looked it up and understood God was telling me that's what was affecting me. 
It's at the realisation that heaviness was affecting my ministering and doing the fashion and design business that I do with my sister, that I sought to do deliverance from the spirit of heaviness.
I am glad to say that I feel much better now after I did the deliverance. I'm amazed and thankful that the heaviness and anxiety is now gone. Pray these prayers regularly until you feel completely free and you're no longer feeling heavy in your spirit. Study the word of God about the spirit of heaviness. Deliverance is your portion in Jesus name. 

Heaviness and anxiety can affect anyone for whatever reasons. It usually leads to sadness and depression. We live in a time when expectations are high and sometimes we place that heavy burden on ourselves forgetting that we're to do what God tells us to do, not what outside pressures expects us do. Our expectation should come from Him. Psalms 62:5. 
Of course we shouldn't slack in our crucial responsibilities but we should remember not to place loads on ourselves that God has not given us to carry. 

Even people who preach God need constant deliverance. All of the deliverance prayers in Sanctified People, I've prayed them myself too; point by point. It is wise for a minister of God to get deliverance because that's how you become effective in preaching the word of God and in helping other people in their deliverance. Because, how can you cast out the mote out of your brother's eye if you do not cast the beam out of your own eye? Matthew 7:4-5.

I usually incorporate bible verses in deliverance prayer points because the word of God is a double edged sword in spiritual warfare. Hebrews 4:12, Ephesians 6:17 


◆Heavenly Father, your word tells us to be anxious for nothing but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving, we let our requests be made known to You. Father right now, I refuse anxiety in my life in Jesus name. 

◆I cast out anxiety right now. Anxiety, I bind you and command you to leave in Jesus name. Get out right now, leave in Jesus name. Come out, come out (repeat "come out" many times) 

 ◆God has not given me a spirit of fear. He has given unto me a spirit of love, a spirit of power and a sound mind. 2 Timothy 1:7 

◆Therefore right now, with the authority and power that Jesus Christ has given me to tread upon serpents and scorpions and over all the power of the enemy, I bind you spirit of heaviness right now with hot chains dipped in the blood of Jesus.

◆I bind you and command you to lose your hold over my life, in the name of Jesus. Lose your hold over my mind, my thoughts. Lose your hold over my body right now, lose your hold over my soul in the mighty name of Jesus. (Repeat many times: lose your hold, lose your hold)

◆Heaviness, come out of my mind, out of my will, out of my emotions, out of my body, out of my spirit, in Jesus name. (repeat "out, out, out" many times)

◆Father, send hosts of angels of judgement, burning and destruction over the spirit of heaviness, the root cause of this spirit and it's minions. Let your angels declare judgement upon them and spoil their habitation right now, in Jesus name.

◆Let your angels, using the fire of the Holy Ghost, scatter the brood of heaviness from their roots right now, in Jesus name. Heaviness, scatter right now, scatter, scatter, scatter (repeat scatter as many times as possible)

◆Angels of God, hinder heaviness never to return, regroup nor reinforce. Angels of God chase the spirits of heaviness and persecute them. Ps 35:5-6.

◆I now loose spirits of blindness, deafness, dumbness, confusion, civil war, judgment, burning, and destruction upon the brood of heaviness.

◆Whatever heavy load that heaviness has unloaded on me, that load does not belong to me! Spirit of heaviness, pack your load right now and go. Angels of God bind the loads onto the brood of heaviness. Spirits of heaviness, put your loads on yourself seven times heavier. Pack your filthy loads and go. Pack your load, pack your load, pack your load (repeat "pack your load" many times)

◆In Jesus name, I totally destroy and crush heaviness. Heaviness, fire of the Holy Ghost upon you right now. (Repeat "Fire, fire, fire" many times). Heaviness, die right now! Die, in the name of Jesus. 

◆I break every wicked and evil soul tie that is binding me with chords of heaviness. Father, sever every ungodly souultie in my life that's binding me to the wrong things and keeping me bound (I will soon post thorough deliverance prayers against ungodly soul ties)
Soultie break, soultie break, in Jesus name. 

◆Every taskmaster set over me to afflict me with burdens, to make me serve with rigour, to make my life bitter with hard bondage (Exodus 1:11-14), I set you on fire in Jesus name. (Burn, burn, burn;  repeat many times)

◆Every wicked spirit set to catch my blessings, die right now in Jesus name. (Repeat die many times. When we command wicked spirits to die, we're commanding them to cease completely from operating in our lives) 

◆In the name of Jesus, I cancel and nullify the assignment and plans of heaviness. 
Heaviness, your works have amounted to nothing. They stop right now, in Jesus name.

◆Fire of the Holy Ghost, set on fire the garments of curses upon my life in the name of Jesus.

◆Holy Spirit of God ransack my body and repair every hormonal imbalance. Reset and restore my hormones to work accordingly in your will.

◆In the name of Jesus I cast off any wicked burdens and break any wicked evil yokes placed on me.
I cast off yokes and burdens laid on me through evil soul ties to people, places, things, events and spirits.

◆Father, I come to You. Your word says "come to me all who are heavy laden and I will give you rest". Heavenly Father, I come to you, I come to You Jesus. Break heaviness off of me in Jesus name. Break off wicked and evil yokes. (Repeat break, break, break)

◆Heavenly Father, give me rest. Grant me your supernatural rest, in Jesus name. 

◆I plead the blood of Jesus over my life, over my body, my spirit, my mind, thoughts, will and emotions in the name of Jesus.

◆Blood of Jesus, cover every area of my life in Jesus name. Cover my finances, cover my health, cover my family, cover my household, cover my job, cover my property. 

◆Father place on me your yoke, place on me your burden. For your word says your yoke is easy and your burden is light. 

◆Holy Spirit of God, enable me to always pray and offer my supplication unto God with thanksgiving. Enable me to pray to always pray and not to faint. Luke 18:1. 

◆I decree a sound mind upon my life. Heavenly Father, give me a sound mind, in the name of Jesus. Father, Give me the mind of Christ. 1 Corinthians 2:16. 

◆Father, fill me with your Holy Spirit to enable me to do what you want me to do. Let my expectation come from you. 

◆Lord Jesus, give me a garment of praise for the Spirit of heaviness. 
Lord Jesus, give me beauty for ashes. 
Lord Jesus, give me the oil of joy for mourning. Everlasting joy shall be unto me. 
Lord Jesus, make me a tree of righteousness, the planting of the Lord, that You may be glorified. Isaiah 61:2-3.

◆Lord Jesus, let me seek you, let me rejoice and be glad in you. Psalm 40:16. 

Thank you Jesus for your deliverance in my life. 
In Jesus name I pray, Amen. 




For the customs of the people are vain: for one cutteth a tree out of the forest, the work of the hands of the workman, with the axe.
They deck it with silver and with gold; they fasten it with nails and with hammers, that it move not. Jeremiah 10:2-3

Thus saith the Lord, Learn not the way of the heathen... 
For the customs of the people are vain...
Jeremiah 10:2-3

Christmas is a pagan holiday. Its roots come from occult satanic witchcraft practices like the Saturnalia festival of the Romans. The christmas tree has its origins also in the pagan yule tree. The ornaments represented the spirits of the dead and pagan gods.
There are thousands of articles on the web explaining the numerous pagan roots of christmas. Research on this. For now, mine is to look at questions that arise about christmas and answer them from a biblical perspective.

I did such an article last year and a certain pastor convicted and judged by the Holy Spirit, attacked me in the comment section. After attacking me, I gave him scriptures that show nowhere are Christians to celebrate Christmas. On seeing that he lacked credible ideas on his argument, he threw in the "touch not the anointed" card on me in my inbox. I say to him not to touch me either, because I'm anointed of the Lord and I've seen God fight for me because I give myself unto prayer. I promote holiness and righteousness in my page and blog. If he's failed in his calling to promote holiness and righteousness, he should go and deal with God not me.

I respect men and women of God who genuinely labour day and night for the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Though I know such are few, I know they're there.

Jesus was not born on this date of the year neither did He leave precise instructions for us as Christians to celebrate Christmas. The Apostles of Jesus in the early church did not celebrate Christmas and if it was such an important celebration as we make it to be, it would have been documented within the scriptures as something of great importance to be celebrated. Jesus only instructed us to celebrate the Passover in remembrance of Him not to celebrate him as a baby. His finished work on the cross and His New Covenant with us is of much importance.

And he took bread, and gave thanks, and brake it, and gave unto them, saying, This is my body which is given for you: this do in remembrance of me.
Luke 22:19, 1 Corinthians 11:25

In the church today, christmas has been sensetionalised and it seduced many into vanity. It boggles my mind that they even put a fully decked christmas tree on the pulpit. It grieves me that pastors do not call it out and condemn it to their congregations. As I always say anyway, many pastors are wary about losing their congregats therefore a lot of truth is always swept under the carpet so as to keep people coming and to keep the money flowing. If a pastor doesn't know things like pagan holidays perpetuated to be Christian, it's really sad because it questions his relationship with God. Does the pastor really hear God? And if he does, why doesn't he preach the truth?

In all my life only one pastor ever stood up to condemn Christmas. He asked the church to seek God and to increase in prayers during the holiday season since people have lots of free time in this festive season. I applaud him for this confidence and may God bless him for refusing to be conformed to the standards of this world.

◆What about the charity work in this festive season? It's for a good cause.

Charity work shouldn't be on Christmas only. Charity work should be of importance from January to December. It's hypocritical to visit the poor and the sick only in December and forget about them the rest of the year. Charity work is work! It's not supposed to only make you to feel good. Charity work is keeping track of the people you've helped, and whenever you can, complementing your giving with preaching the word of God too. The people you're "helping" know that you don't really care if you forget about them the rest of the year. Go visit them in mid January too, when there are no festivities going on and when there's no "good cheer" in the air. See how hard it is to put together a cheerful group of people to accompany you mid January to visit the poor.

Give to the poor on Christmas, that is okay. Infact, it will be good to also sacrifice the money you would have used to throw parties. Go and prepare food for the hungry. Sell your vain decorations and the abominable christmas tree (it is a satanic phallic symbol) and use the money to give to the poor.

What about meeting with extended family and engaging in the festivities?

The question is, is it necessary even? Especially when you know that the meetings are just vain family practices that add no value in your life. If meeting with a loved one is only possible during this season, it's okay to meet with them and if you know that your purpose is not the festivities, then your conscience will be clear.

One of the true tests of maturity and true discipleship is when family doesn't come between you and your walk of salvation. "What about my family?" is not a question that a mature Christian would ask. Many people in the bible had to go against family to walk with God. I have Muslim relatives in my extended family and at no point would they even consider forfeiting their faith to "fit" into our Christian beliefs. It's always the wishy washy Christians who feel that they have to compromise their faith to fit into other people's activities and beliefs. Soon you will see that it's not God's will that you attend such things in the first place. You're a Christian, you should live a life of sanctification (separation) even if you will seem weird to other people, including your family. 

This is why the bible describes us Christians as peculiar, meaning odd, in the eyes of the people of this world. Of course do not be rude and have a holier than thou attitude towards others. Be gentle and kind, but also be firm, in describing your faith to your family and friends. As a Christian, family should not come between your relationship with God. If you find it difficult to separate yourself from ungodly things that your family does, do deliverance in breaking ungodly soul ties that you have with your family. A soul tie is when your soul (mind, will and emotions) are tied to someone or something and it's difficult to break away from them. It is a spiritual matter. Only the blood of Jesus and the power of the Holy Ghost can break ungodly soul ties. 
The Holy Ghost will show you how to live a sanctified (separated for holiness) life, even apart from your family. Jesus said His gospel came to bring a spiritual sword which because of their faith, His followers will have to separate even from their families

Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword.
For I am come to set a man at variance against his father, and the daughter against her mother, and the daughter in law against her mother in law.
And a man's foes shall be they of his own household.
He that loveth father or mother more than me is not worthy of me: and he that loveth son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me. 
Matthew 10:34-37 

What about my children? How will I tell them that there's no Christmas this year considering they've always had it every year?

I've learnt something in parenting in my 6 years of being a parent. A child puts importance to what YOU as a parent teach them to put importance to.

Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it. Proverbs 22:6

If you make them think christmas, birthdays, expensive holidays and outings, expensive clothes and toys are important, they will make them important and become vain about it. They will fuss, cry become depressed and even rude when they don't have the things that you told them were "important". Their esteem will come from the things of this world instead of coming from what God placed in them and who He created them to be. Where your heart is, there your treasure is, Matthew 6:21.

We do not celebrate birthdays with my son. I can buy him a cake any time of the year because it's just a cake, no happy birthday messages. I appreciate him by taking him out on a trip or to his favourite restaurant. I told him birthdays are not important (they have pagan roots too) and that I love him every single day and not only one day of the year is special. Surprisingly he's beginning to understand. He appreciates things genuinely without vanity. I really admire his simplicity.

If you feel that you are losing something on christmas day, your children will equally feel the same. If you make them think christmas is this huge important thing in their life, they will feel that way. If you keep feeling that you're unfortunate for not going on expensive holidays or buying many gifts, you have an esteem problem that needs deliverance. Your children will begin to be vain and tie value to material things to make them feel better. Your authority is above everyone else's in your child's life. They know they've got something good when you make your home a happy, peaceful place all year round. Not just segregating some special days whereby your children feel entitled to have certain things because you trained them that way.

Granted, it is difficult to follow Godliness in this world when almost everyone around us is following vain traditions, but this is something that you should bring to God in prayer. Every single Christian faces this battle because the word of God says that we're not of this world. That is why we are told to carry our crosses daily and follow Christ. This means that as long as we are in this world we face situations daily and we have to remind ourselves that we belong to God and we should bear our Christianity with perseverance.

And he said to them all, If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow me. Luke 9:23

And he who does not take his cross and follow after Me is not worthy of Me. 
Matthew 10:38 

Pray for your children to understand what you teach them. Even if they are sad, it will just be for a moment. Fill your home with happy times where values that last are esteemed. Values like good behaviour, Godly morals, bible study etc. Soon God will even elevate your children among their peers because they follow God's commands and separate themselves from the standards of this world. Again, it is why the bible describes us Christians as a peculiar people, meaning odd in the eyes of the people of this world. 

In these last days, it gets more difficult to raise a child, Matthew 24:19. There are so many evils that we will have to warn our children about and tell them to separate themselves from. Train them from when they are little how to be sanctified, it will be very beneficial to them in the future.

What do I gain in not celebrating christmas and other pagan holidays?

Ask God this question.

Study the scriptures as to why God always commanded His people to separate themselves from the practices of this world. It had always been of importance to God towards the Israelites. It is still important to God that we do not be conformed to the standards of this world but to have our minds transformed and renewed that we may prove what is good and acceptable, and perfect will of God.

We sanctify ourselves (separate for holiness) from the practices of this world, not to become rich, not for popularity, not for our selfish fleshly desires. We sanctify ourselves to gain Christ and to receive more measure of the infilling of the Holy Spirit. Philippians 3:8.

We gain wisdom, knowledge and understanding that God graciously grants us with when we sanctify ourselves. We grow and mature spiritually when we begin to die to flesh and to the things of this world. The things of this world and their fashion thereof passes away, 1 Corinthians 7:31. 
We sanctify ourselves to have more power in the spirit and grow in our spiritual gifts. For example, you will not be like an ordinary minister of deliverance when you sanctify yourself, the demons will see your sanctification and the blood of Jesus upon you. Daniel and his three friends sanctified themselves from the food and ways of the Babylonians and God elevated them to immeasurable levels in the king's service. 
We sanctify ourselves to seek God earnestly. 
We sanctify ourselves to chasten ourselves and to hear God more clearly. We sanctify ourselves to fast and yield powerful results. The benefits of sanctification go on and on and they are documented from Genesis to Revelations in the encounters of people in the Bible.

And if you want to hear about riches and wealth, Job the richest man of the east, lived a life of sanctification. Job 1:5 KJV. 

Is it possible really to sanctify (separate for holy purposes) ourselves from every single thing that is ungodly in this world?

Prophets like Elijah, Elisha, John the Baptist, Jeremiah, lived lives of total sanctification. That was their calling and their choice to heed to the calling. They were totally separated from people and lived in secluded places so that they could seek God undistructed. They chose singlehood, the clothes they wore (animal skin) and the food they ate (locusts, honey, food provided completely by God eg ravens bringing food to Elijah) made them very sanctified. This is why they operated with great power and could command even physical elements like water, air, fire and the earth. They needed to operate like this and it was their calling but they also CHOSE to live like that too. They knew the benefits of sanctification.

So what about the rest of Christians who are not mighty prophets of God? And putting it to mind that already much of things we are in contact with everyday are contaminated by paganism and satanism.

(By the way many are mighty prophets of God but they do not know and are not operating in their unction because they do not hear God)

The Bible still strongly calls for sanctification for "regular" Christians. The way we dress, the way we carry ourselves, who we associate with. The New Testament has many chapters and verses that tell us how to sanctify ourselves in the things of this world.

It is a daily battle to separate ourselves because of the way the world is structured today. It is a battle and a cross Christians face and bear daily. Your true rest from this flesh will come when you die in the Lord or when you get raptured during the days of tribulation. If you think it's difficult now to live in this world, pray that you're not caught up in the tribulation days because during that time, for a Christian to even exist will be a crime. Christianity will be a criminal offence and punishable by death and many will go into hiding in caves and forests. Matthew 24. No true Christian at that time will be thinking of holding on to worldly things, let alone the way we are now fighting and justifying to keep worldly things close to us.

We are able to live in sanctification by following Paul's instructions of not being engrossed and taken by the things of this world.

For example, mobile phones are very worldly gadgets and every time new inventions and apps are added to them to ensure people are gripped by them, addicted to them and drawn away from God. People have had to get deliverance from phone or social media addiction. On the contrary, you need this same phone to get emails, run businesses, keep in touch with your loved ones etc. This calls for Paul's rule:

And they that use this world, as not abusing it: for the fashion of this world passeth away. 1 Corinthians 7:31

This means if we have to use the things of this world, we should not be engrossed by them, addicted, attached, and dependent on them. It is not necessary to even make full use of them. It is not necessary for example to use all the apps in your phone just because they are there or they are trendy.

That is sanctification. Do not seek to gratify this flesh. If you know that you do not need certain worldly things, cut them off. This is sanctification. That is why Paul said that the things he has lost or had to forfeit are as dung; they are worthless to him. Gaining Christ through sanctification is of far much worth than the things of this earth.

Whatever you choose, you get. So you will not be fooling anyone but yourself if you refuse to sanctify yourself in whatever area God leads you. It is wise to choose Sanctification and reap the power of the Holy Spirit in your life. If you choose this world and to become a friend of this world, you are not a true child of God.

This is something that you have to regularly bring to God in prayer. It has been difficult for me to let certain worldly things go and sometimes I've had to do deliverance to get full freedom. But remember Daniel was called the beloved of God because of his love for God and how he would readily sanctify himself to gain God. 


Spirits of sexual perversion (sexual sin) are among some of the most difficult to cast out. This is an area that the devil attacks to the very deepest level. I have had people seek deliverance from spirits of sexual perversion and they come back for more deliverance.

Satan exploits this area in people's lives because of the strong blood covenant formed between a person and fornication demons. It gives satan and his demons a one way unhindered doorway to attack almost anything in people's lives. Sexual sin can cause so many problems in someone's life. Financial, marital, health, career, family; any area is open to the devil through this sin. It's the reason why God condemns it with unwavering firmness. It's the reason the bible says, It is good for a man NOT to touch a woman, 1 Corinthians 7:1. Yes, no kissing, not even a peck on the cheek, no holding hands, nothing. Even if you're getting married in the next 5 minutes. Spirits are also transferable through touch. It's why when the woman with the issue of blood touched Jesus and she was healed. By the time you're getting married, sexual sin should not be an issue to you. You cannot be getting into marriage with anti-marriage demons.

Sexual sin demons cause layers and layers of problems and issues. Infact when they start leaving, you will experience freedom in areas you didn't even know were linked to the demons. For example for those who are married, you wonder why your spouse seems to hate you or irritate you? Those are symptoms of spirits of sexual perversion. These spirits mostly come out when you find out their works and how they operate. Constant deliverance, a renewal of the mind, resisting them, and fasting gets them out. It takes a long time, minimum 6 months to a year. Freedom from them is achievable but only in the redemptive power of Jesus Christ. You cannot wish them away, you cannot 'positively speak' to them away as prosperity gospel christians are used to speaking positively about everything, they come out only through deliverance and submitting to God in this area 100% in body, soul and spirit. 

I talk about this issue on Sanctified People facebook page and blog. I will update and dedicate an entire blog label on just this topic. In these last days, sexual sin is also becoming acceptable in churches. These demons will become stronger and will route many people to hell. But with the deliverance power of Jesus Christ, rooting out these demons is possible. 


Spirits of sexual perversion, I today take authority against you and command you to LEAVE right now in the Name of Jesus Christ. 
I command you to leave my body, I command you to leave my soul, leave my mind, my spirit, and my thoughts. Leave my marriage/singlehood, leave my finances, leave my children, leave my home, leave my businesses, leave my career, leave my occupation. Leave everything that God has blessed me with. 

You demons have no place in my life.  I will not be brought under your power satan.  My body is not for fornication but for the Lord. I am not one with you demons. 1 Corinthians 6:12-20 

I have been bought with the price of the blood of Jesus, I will glorify God in my body and spirit. 

As the word of God says whatever I bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever I loose on earth will be loosed in heaven, Matthew 18:18.

Therefore I bind you spirits of sexual perversion right now in the Name of Jesus Christ. The God my Father and the blood of Jesus will bring me deliverance and success. As for you wicked perverse spirits, you have no portion, no right, nor memorial in my life, in my marriage/ singlehood, in my finances, in my parenthood, in my occupation, business, career. I destroy each and every legal ground that you are claiming to stand on. Nehemiah 2:20. 

Right now, I renounce and repent of my sins in Jesus name. I repent of my father's and mother's sins that brought a sinful sexual altar in my life. I repent of my forefathers sins both on my mother's and father's side that established a sinful sexual altar. I repent of all sexual sin in the Name of Jesus. (Mention all the sins of sexual perversion that you have ever participated in that you can recall, mention all the names of the people that you have participated in them with that you can recall. Mention molesters and abusers too.)

Heavenly Father, I pray that you forgive me of my sins. Wash me and purge me with your blood. I have sinned and fallen short of your glory and I have grieved your Spirit too. I repent of all my sins and unrighteousness and I ask that you wash me with your precious blood. Your word says that though our sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool, Isaiah 1:18. I realise now that my sins were not only physical but also spiritual and the damage was far much than what my mind could think. Forgive me Father. I am willing to come back to you and leave my sins in the past and forsake my sinful ways. (You can spend time in this area of repentance as the Spirit of God leads. There is freedom in repentance too. God will begin to do some healing and repairing as you repent. It is good to dedicate some days just for repentance)

I have been forgiven and cleansed by the blood  of Jesus that was shed on the cross for my sins. With the authority that I have been given to trample on serpents and scorpions and over all the power of the enemy, Luke 10:19, I cast you out demons right now. Leave right now! 

Heavenly Father send hosts of angels of destruction, judgement and burning upon all spirits of sexual sin in my life. Father let your angels attack them without mercy, binding and burning them to ashes with the fire of the Holy Ghost. 

Father, let your Spirit ransack my whole being body, soul and spirit, locating point by point where these demons are hiding. Let your angels hook them out and set them on fire. 

Angels of God bind them, bind, bind, bind. (Repeat this word bind as many times as possible)
Angels of God attack them, attack, attack, attack, attack (Repeat this word attack as many times as possible)
Angels of God burn them, burn, burn, burn, burn, burn (Repeat this word burn as many times as possible)

Spirits of sexual perversion you want to steal, kill and destroy me. In the Name of Jesus, I refuse for you to plunder me. I command you wicked and perverse spirits to leave right now in the Name of Jesus. (Mention the spirits that you know may be afflicting you on a day to day basis: fornication, pornography, adultery, masturbation, sexual fantasies, etc. Cast those spirits out in Jesus Name.)

Perversion spirits I refuse your works in Jesus Name. Your works of evil will not come to fruition or manifestation. Leave any and all areas that you have taken hold of. Leave my mind, body soul and spirit right now, in the Name of Jesus Christ. Spirits of sexual perversion, I destroy you and your works in the name of Jesus Christ.

The word of God says he who the Son sets free is free indeed, John 8:36. I am free indeed right now in the name of Jesus. God has began a mighty work in me to the pulling down of strong holds and everything and every imagination that sets itself up above the knowledge of Christ, 2 Corinthians 10:4-5.

I cancel and break every demonic legal ground in my life. I cancel and break sexual, physical, spiritual, mental, abuse and molestation; in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Father I forgive and release all abusers and molesters of any nature. I do not carry the burden of unforgiveness, revenge, bitterness and pride; in the Name of Jesus. Enable me to let go heavenly Father. I release this burden to you oh Lord, take it from me and cast it away from me. Give me your yoke to carry heavenly Father, give me your burden  to carry oh King of kings. Your yoke is easy and your burden is light, Matthew 11:28-30.

I cancel and break doorways in my life, with the blood of Jesus and in the Name of Jesus. I close all doorways with the blood of Jesus. Father I pray that you may reveal to me the doorways and mindsets in my life that may keep me bound. I speak righteousness and holiness into my life so as not to create doorways and legal ground in my life.

I take back seven times my Godly virtues and blessings that were set apart for me since my conception here on earth. I plunder the enemy's camp and take back Godly spoils seven times because it is the law of the word of God for a thief to repay. No demon in hell shall spoil me and I fail to despoil. I take valuable spoils from the enemy's camp. I pillage and destroy the enemy's camp completely, never for them to rise again. 1 Samuel 30:18-20. I destroy their covering and strongholds in the name of Jesus, I destroy all evil gatekeeper spirits. 

In the name of Jesus, I take and claim victory. Victory is mine in the Name of Jesus and by the power of the Holy Spirit. 
I thank You Jesus for your blood and I thank You for victory. Father, this is the beginning of a victorious life in holiness and purity. This is the beginning of a process and a season of being purged and being sanctified. I pray that Jesus You fill me with your Spirit, your strength, and your power. In Jesus mighty and powerful Name that is above all names, I pray.

Amen, amen.

Part 2: Prayer points. Father, Plead My Cause!

There are many instances in the Bible that people had to appear before a king to have him hear their desperate situations so that he could change their lot. The aggrieved had tried all other means and they felt that the king was the only one who could judge their cases. 
It is true. Sometimes no human can help your situation and in this case only the King of kings, only the Lord of lords, only the Righteous Judge who sits in the heavenly court can plead your cause.

Plead my cause, O Lord, with them that strive with me: fight against them that fight against me. ~ Psalms 35:1

And there was a widow in that city; and she came unto him, saying, Avenge me of mine adversary. ~ Luke 18:1-8

Who is fighting against us? Who is our adversary?

Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour: ~ 1 Peter 5:8

In the heavenly court, the devil and his demons are the adversary, the accusers of brethren (Rev 12:10). The devil has no mercy, he afflicts the afflicted and destroys the weak. Your enemy is not necessarily other people. Your enemy is the devil and the demons in people that have allowed themselves to be used in being against you. It's time to take your fight in the spiritual realm. This is called spiritual warfare and deliverance.

For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war after the flesh:
(For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds;) ~ 2 Corinthians 10:3-4

For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. ~ Ephesians 6:12

Therefore, go to the Heavenly King and plead for your case. Be on God's side who is pleased with your victory. Stop sinning deliberately, stop being lukewarm, stop striving with people, lay aside the things that pull you back. Be on God's side and be on God's terms.

Therefore we also, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which so easily ensnares us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, ~ Hebrews 12:1

Get on your knees and fight the real enemy. It is time to stop seeing your situation only in the physical and start seeing it in the spiritual. The devil wants to distract you with what is going on in the physical so that he keeps doing damage in the spiritual.


◆Oh God, plead my cause. I cry for my household, my land and everything that is mine (mention what you are pleading for). I present my case to you, hear me in your mercies. Proverbs 23:11

◆Father, avenge me of my adversary. Avenge me speedily. Luke 18:3

◆I command all devils standing at my right hand to resist me and accuse me, die right now in Jesus name. (When we command demons to die, we are commanding destruction on them and their evil works in our lives to be destroyed and nullified forever) Zech 3:1, Ps 109:6

◆By the fire of the Holy Ghost, I bind you satan, the Lord rebuke you satan. You are defeated in Jesus name.

◆I cancel all you wicked men set over me. I cancel all taskmasters set over me to afflict me with burdens, rigorous work and bitterness. I bind and destroy all extortioners with hot chains and the fire of the Holy Ghost. All devils withholding and catching all that is mine and spoiling my labour, die right now in Jesus name. Ps 109:11, Ex 1:11-14. 
Let the fire of God decapitate and crush the demons heads right now, in the name of Jesus.

◆ Father, forgive me of my sins. I repent right now and pray that you forgive me. Forgive my sins, transgression and iniquity. (Repent genuinely for your sins)

◆Wash all of my being with your blood. Wash my mind, spirit and soul. Cloth me with a change of rainment, set a fair mitre on my head, clothe me with your righteousness, glory and light.

◆Lord, take every filthy garment from me, I don't want it. I burn the garment of curses, I break the girdle of curses upon my life. I incinerate them by the fire of the Holy Ghost.

◆I return every wicked garment to sender. Let it cover my them with shame, confusion and curses. Ps109:29, 17, 18, 19

◆Father, when they curse me, bless me. Turn all curses into blessings for me. When they arise against me, let them be ashamed. Ps109:28

◆Heavenly Father, every meeting and gathering that has been formed against me, let them scatter right now by the fire of the Holy Ghost, never to regroup or reinforce. Whatever evil that they plan for me, let it become a trap for them, in Jesus name. Ps71:10-11, Ps69:22.

◆Father, let my God ordained helpers locate me and begin to extend mercy and favour towards me. Ruth2:5-19.

◆Give me a double blessing, let me rejoice in the portion you have given me. Isaiah 61:7 

◆Lord anoint my head with oil, let my cup run over. (Anoint your head) Ps23:5 

-Take olive oil, pray over it and ask the Holy Spirit to flow through it to be used for deliverance, healing and Godly covering. If you do not have olive oil, use any oil for now but pray for it. Invest in a bottle of olive oil for anointing yourself daily.

◆Prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies.

◆Heavenly Father, enable me to always pray and not to faint. Luke18:1. Ignite my prayer altar with Holy Ghost fire. Locate and remove all distractions from my life. Enable me to forsake all prayer distractions, in Jesus name.

I ask these things, that Lord you plead my cause, in the mighty name of my Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, Amen.

Prayers don't end here! Pray every single day until you get your victory. Pray also the specific things that the Holy Ghost places in your heart.
"...that men ought always to pray, and not to faint" Lk 18:1.