Message of God to Christians in the prosperity gospel: 

And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, COME OUT OF HER, MY PEOPLE, lest you share in her sins, and lest you receive of her plagues. - Revelations 18:4 

And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free. 
Therefore if the Son makes you free, you shall be free indeed. -John 8:32 & 36

*The devil did everything to stop me from exposing the works of darkness of the prosperity gospel. But I stand to say that the devil and his demons are DEFEATED by God (Yahweh) the Father,  Jesus Christ His Son and the Holy Spirit. I have taken long to upload articles about the prosperity gospel because I wanted to know and understand more revelations from the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is quiet and gentle thus a very sensitive heart is needed to hear Him specifically. There are several powerful interrelated wicked spirits ruling the prosperity gospel phenomenon. BUT with the power of Yahweh, these wicked spirits are child's play. Any Christian can overcome these forces if you are serious about wanting to be set free from the grip of the prosperity gospel.*

These messages I will post about prosperity gospel churches are not for the faint hearted. It is a sensitive topic to talk about especially in this country (Kenya) but it is not a hidden topic in the word of God. The Apostle Paul boldly talked about the false doctrines being preached to Christians and he didn't handle the matter with fear. Infact, he called preachers of false doctrines accursed. Anti-Prosperity gospel messages are not a cause for fear in other countries but here in Kenya when one dares to talk about this issue, he/she is thrown into the "touch not the anointed" hullabaloo till they just cease. These posts are not for Kenyans only but for anyone who needs deliverance and to be set free from the grip of prosperity gospel churches.

If you are looking for church drama or gossip, this is not the place, I hope we all wake up and begin casting the devil down and out.

For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. - Ephesians 6:12

The only way to defeat these wicked forces of the prosperity gospel is through vigilant prayers, fasting and deliverance. I will speak boldly against the prosperity gospel because it is meant to be tackled boldly. A vigilance akin to that of Elijah and Jehu is needed when tackling the prosperity gospel. I will "go ammo" and all out, so pardon me if you get offended. But know that it's the demons in you getting offended, I was once there, and I got offended when my prosperity gospel salvation was challenged. 

And it came to pass, when Joram saw Jehu, that he said, Is it peace, Jehu? And he answered, What peace, so long as the WHOREDOMS of thy mother Jezebel and her WITCHCRAFTS are so many? -2 Kings 9:22

There are prosperity gospel churches which are run by naive preachers who do not know the word of God, and there are prosperity gospel churches which are run by straight up witches and warlocks. The first is in ignorance which is no defence,  and the other is in pure witchcraft. They are both the same. I wouldn't follow either.

Prosperity gospel churches are ruled by satan himself but he has appointed principalities and rulers of darkness in high places to oversee this very lucrative deceit for him. These are the spirits that rule prosperity gospel:

◆ mystery babylon the great, the mother of harlots and abominations of the earth. 
◆ spirits of fornication. (Check the fornication levels in a church. This is a good indicator that that church in particular is ruled by marine spirits)
◆ baal (god of prosperity)
◆ molech (blood thirsty for human blood esp babies and children) 
◆ the jezebel spirit (induces control through paralysing fear and manipulation)
◆ the Ahab spirits (demasculinated spirits that empower jezebel)
◆ marine witchcraft spirits (very strong)
◆ pharaoh spirit/ spirits of Egypt (control and servitude)
◆any other related spirits to this phenomenon

If you are in a prosperity gospel church and you have no idea, that is no defence. That is ignorance. I was ignorant about it too. Most of my Christian life I have been in a prosperity gospel church in one way or another. (I got saved at 6 years). 

People who are in a prosperity gospel church have the following characteristics. I will talk of the first major one

◆"Itching Ears"

For the time will come when THEY WILL NOT ENDURE SOUND DOCTRINE; but after their own LUSTS shall they HEAP TO THEMSELVES TEACHERS, having ITCHING EARS; - 2 Timothy 4:3

Because strait (difficult) is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it.
Beware of false prophets (in this case: prosperity gospel preachers), which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves. Matthew 7:14-15

An "itchy ears" Christian is one who prefers a feel good type of gospel rather than the hard truth of the gospel. Just as I can see a spirit of fornication in a person from a mile away (because I once walked in this sin), it's not hard to detect an itchy ears Christian. An itchy ears Christian hates the message of repentance and sanctification (set apart in holy living for the holy purposes of God). An itchy ears Christian does not know that he/she will go to hell. An itchy ears Christian looks for prosperity gospel preachers and follows them (heaping teachers). This Christian has a penchant for stumbling across prosperity gospel preachers and following their teachings.

Salvation is meant to be handled with Godly fear. Our flesh makes salvation difficult. But the Holy Spirit gives us strength to walk this walk, on our own, we cannot. Being cleaved unto the Holy Spirit requires a death of the flesh DAILY carrying our cross and following Christ. This is the strait and narrow way. 
Am I making Christianity seem difficult and unreachable? No. I am telling you the Truth of the Word of God. This hippy, feel good type of gospel being preached in this day and age will send many to hell.

An itchy ears Christian has LUST rife in his/her heart, soul and flesh. Ranging from sexual lust to lust of wealth and becoming rich. 
New Age teachings are teachings of all types of LUSTS. These teachings dominate the prosperity gospel and end up making people highly demonised.

An itchy ears Christian does not want to believe he/she has demons therefore he/she doesn't believe in deliverance. 
When I started being vigilant and focused about deliverance, all types of demons have left me including one (or several) that liked joking around! No one walking this earth can be completely free of demons, including Christians, but you can overcome many of them (thousands) as you continue to grow in salvation. Only a few will be left and these can be the strongmen in your life. Paul asked God to take away the infirmity (thorn/demon) in his flesh but God told Paul that His grace was sufficient for him. If you didn't have demons you would be in heaven. Only Jesus is the One who walked in human flesh and didn't have demons.

An itchy ears Christian particularly hates preachings about SEXUAL PURITY and will defend this sin and blatantly defy God and go ahead and marry in fornication and claim, "I prayed and God forgave me". Well did you do deliverance? No? That is not your God ordained spouse. Period. God doesn't join two fornicators in marriage, human beings and wicked spirits do. His covenant is pure. Purity is a must before God ordains a marriage. 

An itchy ears Christian loves only to hear "positive affirmations" rather than the truth. There's this weird belief in prosperity gospel churches that you're only meant to speak positively to "pull" positive things in your life. Unfortunately this is witchcraft. It comes with a price of ignoring obvious problems which need deliverance. No amount of positive thinking can change your situation if you don't get deliverance for your issue. You cannot "positive think" your husband to stop cheating on you. He needs deliverance. You cannot "positive think" generational curses from being broken, you need deliverance. 

An itchy ears Christian hates Christians who do not have itchy ears.

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