Good day saints of God. I have been writing about the prosperity gospel and I wanted to release a word this week but I couldn't. It's been hectic writing and having people call for prayers and questions about deliverance. I cannot leave the people hanging, but also I cannot leave the page hanging.

As much as I want to write and post, when a sincere cry for help comes along, I have to pause and begin helping the person in need. One time a sister in Christ called saying she was wondering if aborting her baby was her only choice and she was distressed. We prayed and I interceded for her, and she was able to give her life to the Lord. She has a new baby boy now and she is growing in the Lord.  God is doing mighty things and helping many people.

I am swamped and I am looking for content builders on topics that I have and know are helpful to people. Any men on topics affecting men too? Due to lack of time, I cannot always complete all the writings. I hope to get helpers. 

So Moses’ father-in-law said to him, “The thing that you do is not good. Both you and these people who are with you will surely wear yourselves out. For this thing is too much for you; you are not able to perform it by yourself. -Exodus 18:17-18

But I always pray for you all that you get your healing, deliverance, salvation and that the enemy should loose his grip over each and every one of you. I thank all the people who take time to send even a simple inbox of encouragement. I tell you, it helps a lot! When you know God's mighty work is moving forward, it helps and encourages a lot.

So please, if you are well versed in deliverance and relationships issues, please inbox me. There are a few rules of holy living in accordance to God that will have to apply but that shouldn't deter you from contacting me. God blesses the willing hands which are ready to take up the mantle and also to put those hands to the plough. EVERY CHRISTIAN SHOULD BE INVOLVED IN SPREADING THE GOSPEL in one way or another in accordance to the gifts God has placed in each and every one of us.

I started the YouTube account so that I wouldn't have to write everything and some I will just talk and post up on YouTube. I know data bundles can be a constraint to many, but please you can find some time even in a cyber cafe or during breaks in the office to get edification through the YouTube content too. Bear with me also in the quality of the video. I have to save up and buy simple lights and a camera, but they don't come cheap, you know :-) . Please pray for me too, holy saints, as I occasionally suffer attacks from the devil who tries to stop God's work. That's how it is but prayers are quite helpful always. 

Those interested in coming together so as to plan, strategise and go out to minister to people, please get in touch. 

I have some wonderful testimonies of deliverances from sisters in the Lord. There is a powerful one that I am currently modifying to post up.

Please saints of God, it doesn't matter where you think you may be in your life. God is able to lift you up again. God doesn't despise a truly repentant heart willing to turn away from its sins. God knows the cries of your hearts. Humble yourselves before God and He will lift you up. Start investing time in prayer, I will always advocate for one hour daily for a start then build up as you go. One hour out of 24 isn't much that God is asking. Cut the social media, throw away the movies and series, opt out of many social events. Start praying and spending time in the presence of God.

And let us not be weary in well doing (in also praying and doing deliverance): for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not. 
Galatians 6:9

Do not grow faint in prayers and deliverance sessions in the presence of God. God will begin to build you up again, taking out what is not of Him and putting in you what is of Him.

God bless you all mightily in Jesus name.

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