I have heard many Christians say, you cannot preach to save people if you preach making people fearful. Well, you can preach to make someone fearful, but only with a Godly fear, especially if you're snatching them out of their next step which would be really horrible and dangerous to their souls. That is a display of the love you have for the other person. As long as you have the love of God in you and a truthful spirit concerning the person heading to hell and destruction, it is okay to tell them the truth of eternal damnation and the dire consequences of sin.

For me, if it wasn't for fear (Godly fear), I would still be in willful sins. If I hadn't known how ruthless the spirits of fornication are, I wouldn't know exactly why God commands sexual purity. Many do not understand what sexual sins do to their lives. They do not understand how it affects their children, marriages and lives. I needed a wake up call especially now that I wasn't just living for myself but for my son too. I started doing deliverance when I knew I had a child in me. I started praying and anointing myself everyday. These spirits didn't come out without a fight!

Some people need compassion to reach, some need fear to reach and some need a mix of both. Just make sure you're preaching with Godly love in you and not being manipulative.

Just today morning, I saw in the online news here in Kenya, a video footage whereby a young man of  a criminal gang was killed in an extrajudicial cold blood murder by police officers who had hunted some gang members down. I do not accept extrajudicial killings at all, but a young man who was thinking about going into crime can see this and know that there is danger in the path that he wants to choose. He will see and know that crime doesn't end well for the gangs. The truth of the video footage will speak volumes to the young man and he will seek better and honest ways of earning an income. 

Jesus talked about hell fire more than anyone else in the bible. He came to save us from the kingdom of darkness (hell) and bring us into the kingdom of God. So, He would talk about hell and how there will be suffering, wailing and gnashing of teeth. He didn't do that out of malice but out of truth. He died to save us from eternity in hell.

I saw these verses during my bible reading: in Jude 22-23; it explains well. For some, save them with compassion and others are saved through a genuine fear of imminent danger and destruction of their souls. Because let's be real, the wages of sin is death. Sin is horrible and causes so much suffering. Wouldn't you want to be warned about it?

I would surely appreciate a person who warned me and told me the truth. Even if I would be puffed up with pride and refuse to listen, the fact will remain that someone told me the truth. And that person was caring enough to show me the right path.

The reality is that some messages induce fear and there is nothing anyone can do about it. For example messages of judgement upon people from God's prophets in the Bible would induce fear because the people were turning away from God. These were messages of warnings and dire consequences of sin. It was true, it was the reality, and no one could do anything about it other than heed the warning and turn back to Yahweh.

There are messages of good tidings and joy, for example the announcement of the birth of Jesus. It brought hope to those who had been waiting for the Messiah and confirmed to them that Yahweh had indeed not forgotten them.

Both sets of messages minister accordingly, and both should be used in good measure in any ministry. If  messages of repentance are really lacking in a ministry, that is an "itchy ears" ministry. 2 Timothy 4:3. 

The Sugar Coated Version of the Gospel

If churches preached the uncompromising word of God with full details on sin and it's consequences, many would have a Godly fear and turn back to God. Many would repent, turn from their wicked ways and seek the face of God. But as we have it today, many people think that the commands of God are just opinions and not laws. They say that the grace of God covers them even in their willful premeditated sins. More so, they refuse any message of repentance claiming that it is "casting stones". They say "he who is without sin cast the first stone". These are rebellious people. They only want a sugar coated version of the Word of God. That is not God's grace covering them, but a spirit of deceit. 

Woe to the rebellious children, saith the Lord, that take counsel, but not of me; AND THAT COVER WITH A COVERING, BUT NOT OF MY SPIRIT, that they may add sin to sin: 
-Isaiah 30:1

That this is a rebellious people, lying children, children that will not hear the law of the Lord:
They say to the seers, “See no more visions!” and to the prophets, “Give us no more visions of what is right!
speak unto us smooth things, prophesy deceits:
- Isaiah 30:9-10

John the Baptist came with a message, a strong message: Repent. All the other Apostles preached the same message of repentance and salvation. Let us not sell the gospel short but speak the truth. Remember, Jesus spoke the truth, and for that, they crucified Him. But His reward was waiting for Him at the right hand of the Father in heaven.

When our stand is attacked, our boldness to stand for Christ can be wavered. Pray for boldness always to stand up for Christ. 

So they called them and commanded them not to speak at all nor teach in the name of Jesus. 

Now, Lord, look on their threats, and grant to Your servants THAT WITH ALL BOLDNESS THEY MAY SPEAK YOUR WORD, by stretching out Your hand to heal, and that signs and wonders may be done through the name of Your holy Servant Jesus.” 
Acts 4:1-31. 

Speak with boldness, pray for boldness to preach the true Gospel of Jesus Christ and to do deliverance. 

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