Question to Sanctified People: 

I lived a life of fornication in the past. I have slept with many men. I have also had many abortions. Can God bless me with a God ordained husband and bless me with children and a home of my own? 

Word from Sanctified People: 

This question was sent about a year ago. I encouraged the wonderful lady in Christ but the question has never left my mind. This type of question requires that final answer that will allow one to move on in life without self condemnation but with freedom and power in Christ. I pray that this word blesses many women, and men too, that need that assurance from God. 

Come now, and let us reason together, saith the LORD: though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool. Isaiah 1:18 

God has forgiven you dear sister in Christ. The blood of Jesus speaks better things than the blood of Abel (or any other shed blood), Hebrews 12:24

From the moment you humbled yourself and cried out in repentance for forgiveness, God has forgiven you. God has forgiven you of all your sins, blotted out the handwriting of spiritual and physical decrees that were and are against you and took them out of the way, nailing them to the cross. God has spoiled spiritual principalities and powers and Jesus has made a show of them openly triumphing over them. Colossians 2:13-15

Let's look at the background of abortion in a spiritual biblical view and how God dealt with the issue. 

As I was reading my bible this month, I read the story of King Manasseh of Israel in 2 Chronicles 33. I felt the strength and power of God from this chapter.

King Manasseh was a wicked, sinful king who made his children pass through the fire. Making one's sons and daughters pass through the fire is a term used in the bible many times to describe giving children as burnt human sacrifice to a pagan god. In our present times, that's what we call abortion. In the times of the kings of Israel, a parent would literally give their child (especially a male) as a burnt human sacrifice to the god Molech, Chemosh, Baal and any other psgan god they worshipped. This was one of the highest form demon of worship that would yield quick and tangible results especially in giving one success and prosperity. We see in 2 Kings 3, king Joram of Moab gave his son as a burnt offering on the city wall so that Moab would prevail against Israel. 

Abortion is sacrificing the lives ones children in order to have a better life or maintain the current life that one is living. Sacrificing a child because one feels that the child(ren) will interfere with how life is now or will prevent them from achieving something in life. 

One lady said "The modern woman sacrifices her children so she can further her career, look desirable to whatever end, stay in a relationship with a man without "being tied down" with the responsibility of raising a child."

There has never been a worse lie from the devil than this: to have parents sacrifice the lives of their children. The bible says that children are a blessing. In my experience as a single mother, a child brings deliverance and blessings in ones life. So for the devil to lie to a parent to have an abortion is to delay their deliverance from a life of sin or hinder the deliverance completely.

When God gives you a child, He deems you worthy of such a calling as parenting. He sees good in you and knows that if you trust and believe in Him, He will deliver and bless you, your children and the next generations. God is capable of taking a sinful situation, forgive you, cleanse you, deliver you and bring a miracle out of it. 

It's the same thing in this situation; God is able to take your broken pieces as a woman in need of forgiveness and healing, and He is able to forgive you, cleanse you, deliver you and bring a miracle out of it.
Yes, God can bless you with a God ordained husband and bless you with children and a home of your own.

The story of King Manasseh shows that he did a lot of evil. Let's look at the wicked things he did: 

He built again the high places for pagan gods which Hezekiah his father had broken down, and he reared up altars for Baalim, and made groves, and worshipped all the host of heaven, and served them.

He also built pagan altars in the house of the Lord. And he built altars for all the host of heaven in the two courts of the house of the Lord.

And he caused his children to pass through the fire in the valley of the son of Hinnom: also he observed times, and used enchantments, and used witchcraft, and dealt with a familiar spirit, and with wizards: he caused much evil in the sight of the Lord, to provoke him to anger.

And he set a carved image, the idol which he had made, in the house of God. So Manasseh made Judah and the inhabitants of Jerusalem to err, and to do worse than the heathen, whom the Lord had destroyed before the children of Israel.

The Bible describes him as a very wicked and evil person. He did not heed to God's warning when God sent His prophets to warn him. Therefore, God brought the king of Assyrian against the children of Israel. King Manasseh was taken by the Assyrian king put in thorns and bound with fetters and was carried to Babylon.

When King Manasseh was in affliction, he besought the Lord his God, and humbled himself greatly before God and prayed unto him. God was moved by his entreaty and listened to his plea. 
God forgave him and brought him back from  captivity. 

This is my message to you. God is listening to your humble sincere repentance. "A broken and contrite heart, He does not despise." Psalms 51:17.

Repentance is realising your sin, genuinely asking for forgiveness from God and turning completely from the said sin. Repentance is not a mere "I'm sorry" apology to God, it's turning away from that sin. If it's difficult to turn away, seek deliverance and keep working through the issue until you are completely free and the sin looses it's appeal to you. When you are completely free from a sin, you no longer desire to do that sin and you hate it. (You do not hate the sinner but the sin).

For you to want God's standard of holiness is a good thing. Before God, we are all filthy sinners in need of His forgiveness and grace. So many people in your position would have given up on God and just continue in a life of sin and end up in hell. But your courage and trust in God makes you know that surely there's hope for you. There's hope for many people deep in sin. 

Believing that you have been forgiven and living in the freedom and power of your forgiveness can be difficult to accept. God's standards are high and it is true we are the worst of sinners. This can become a snare for many people as they become gripped in shame and guilt, and some people never move on. But Jesus tells us to cast our burdens and cares upon Him. He is able to lead you and carry you through. 

God knows the genuineness in your heart. You cannot lie to Him nor to yourself. Whenever you go before Him in prayer, tell Him everything including your fears. 

The devil will try to plant thoughts of doubt, self hate and condemnation, self pity and guilt. This happens to a person who is trying to move on into another level of spiritual growth and maturity. He will tell you any lie to keep you from moving forward and from going for your blessings in the Lord. 

But we know as the bible describes the devil; he is a deceiver and an accuser of brethren (Revelations 12:9-10). The devil lays on you things and sins which you even have not committed and makes you guilty of them. He's a liar. Cast him and those thoughts out. 

Say, "Spirit of fear, condemnation (say what you're feeling) I bind you right now with hot chains dipped in the blood of Jesus. Come out now, in Jesus name. You have no authority in my life. Come out now in Jesus name!"

Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ; 2 Corinthians 10:5 

Another powerful way to attack the devil is to use the sword of the spirit, which is the word of God as one of the weapons in spiritual warfare. Print out bible verses about being washed by the blood of Jesus and the forgiveness of sins. Read them and speak them out into the spirit during your prayer times. Apply them to yourself by saying, "I'm forgiven and washed by the blood..." The spirit realm hears and responds and each every day you will be getting closer and closer to your reassurance till finally, you will be walking in victory. 

Read out the bible verses everyday and tell God to open your eyes to see, feel and be able to live in His forgiveness and grace. 

Walk in your freedom dear sister in Christ, knowing that God has forgiven you. Be willing and ready to be led by Him.

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