Perversion means an alteration of the truth. A marring of the truth to fit a lie. Perversion is deceit. Satan is the father of lies and has altered what true Godly Benevolent Love is by presenting a counterfeit: Sexual Perversion (lie/ alteration). In the worldly culture today, love is all about feelings. And this has become dangerous and down right base and degenerate. If we base love on feelings, then it's no wonder the Church seems to be losing the fight on same sex marriages. Many Christians marry because they "Feel" love towards the other person. The divorce rate in churches is no different than the rates outside the church. If its about feelings, then anyone can love and marry anyone or anything including people of the same sex and even animals because they "feel" in love. The church refuses same sex marriages because they are not based on the word of God, but the church goes ahead and refuses to base their marriages on the word of God and instead embraces feelings based marriages instead of God ordained, Godly Perfect Love marriages.

Godly Love is based on the word of God. It doesn't matter what we "feel" or what we have gone through and invested in the other person. What matters is: are we in obedience to the word of God? Are we listening to God? King David "felt" love for Bathsheba. Was he in accordance to God's word? Potiphar's wife felt something for Joseph. Was she in accordance to God's will?  Sechem declared and showed his undieing love for Dinah but her brothers called it prostitution. Ammnon "felt" love for Tamar to the point that he became sick. Jacob "felt" love for Rachel but did he know the essence of Godly Love when he showed Leah disfavour? Whatever you feel is void if it's not in accordance to the word of God. Feelings are mostly based on lust. Obedience will lead to True Godly Love.
Sexual perversion covers a multitude of sexual sins. And each sexual perversion has a demonic spirit behind it hence, spirits of sexual perversion. I will mention some:
◆Fornication also referred to as whoredom/unpaid prostitution/ harlotry is sex before marriage and all sexual activities before marriage: sexting, dry humping, phone sex, masturbation, kissing, fondling/petting, sex play, oral sex, anal sex
◆Adultery also referred to as prostitution/idolatry/ whoredom/ harlotry
◆Cohabitation/ come-we-stay/prostitution/ whoredom/ harlotry
◆Phone sex operator/ phone sex
◆BDSM: Bondage and discipline, Dominance and submission, Sadism and Masochism
◆Pedophilia, pederasty
◆Child sexualisation
◆Bestiality/ zoophilia
◆Sex toys and paraphernalia including sexual lingerie & fetishism clothing
◆Sexual fantasy
◆Wandering eye/ ogling
◆Lap/pole dancing/ sexual dancing
◆Satanic sexual rituals
◆Molestation/rape/sexual grooming
◆Sexual fetishism
◆Prostitution & whoredom (paid or unpaid/fornication/adultery)

All the above and more, are sins and spirits of sexual perversion.
But thank be to Jesus Christ who died on the cross to wash away our sins through His precious blood. We are forgiven and can be freed and delivered from demonic influence and bondage if we repent and turn away from our wicked ways.

2 Chronicles 7:14
If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.
Repenting of one's sins is not just a mere "I am sorry, forgive me". It is turning away completely from that sin and seeking God to be free from the bondage of demonic spirits. It is taking deliberate, purposeful and focused steps in God to total freedom. This is called deliverance: being set free. You can do deliverance on your own and it is actually the best deliverance because you cannot lie to yourself or to God. You can seek deliverance from Godly deliverance for further help. 

Deliverance can be extensive taking days and even months depending on the level of involvement in the sin. It is a process; a beautiful journey of growing closer and more intimate with God, and finding the restoration of the joy of salvation. It is rarely a one time event.

It may require fasting.
It involves humbly admitting ones sins Psalms 51:3-4, confessing the sins by name, repenting and asking for forgiveness, forgiving others, verbally accepting to be under the guidance of God, His Holy Spirit and His word, verbally declaring to be a new creature in Christ and no longer being in the kingdom of darkness, 2 Corinthians 5:17. Verbally cast out demons by mentioning them, for example,
"spirit of pornography, masturbation I command you to leave my mind, my body, my spirit and my soul, in the Name of Jesus. You no longer have a place in my life, I refuse to participate in perversions. I am a child of God, a new creature, washed and sanctified by the blood of Jesus that He shed on the cross for the redemption of mankind. I command you perverse spirits to leave in the name of Jesus. I am free in the name of Jesus." 

One needs to stand firmly in God and in His word to avoid to be in bondage again, Galatians 5:1.
Keep resisting the devil and his temptations and he will flee from you, James 4:7
Run away from lusts and do not keep friends/ relationships which compromise you freedom and salvation. It is better to be alone in this walk of faith than to have a million friends who will set you on your path to hell.

Destroy/ burn and throw away memorabilia, gifts from romantic relationships, paraphernalia eg sex toys, movies, clothes, beddings, furniture that represent sexual perversion or that you fornicated in. Deuteronomy 12:3.
Do this in wisdom and trust and believe in God and He will provide the resources to get new things which are not the altar of the devil.
Anoint and pray over your body dedicating it to God to be for holy purposes only. Romans 6:12-14, Romans 12:1-2.

That is just a nutshell of deliverance. We can delve deeper into deliverance from spirits of sexual perversion on a different article.
Know this: the devil has lost his fight of deceit because we the children of God have victory in the truth of God, His word.

John 8:32
And you shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free.

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