The essence of the ministry of Jesus here on earth was purely deliverance. By Him dying on the cross, that was the ultimate deliverance and victory. When began His ministry, He went to the synagogue to declare His mandate. 

Luke 4:18-19, (Isaiah 61)
The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he hath anointed me to preach the gospel to the poor; He hath sent me to heal the brokenhearted, to preach deliverance to the captives, and recovering of sight to the blind, to set at liberty them that are bruised.
That is deliverance. And it is fast becoming a missing tool in today's Christianity. It is not just merely casting out devils; it is breaking wrong mindsets to be renewed to the word of God, it is pulling down strongholds and wicked altars, it is repentance and turning completely away from sin, it is dying to the flesh and carnal nature and living life through the Spirit, it is taking back Godly virtues and blessings that the devil has stolen from us. It is simply coming out of darkness into the marvellous light of God. It is having an unhindered relationship with God and having the joy of salvation.
There are perceptions about deliverance that do not sit well with a lot of people. First the "drama" involved. That one has to fall down, start rolling, convulsing and many other things we have seen happening. It may or may not happen depending on the level of involvement with the kingdom of darkness. For example those directly or indirectly involved in witchcraft may have dramatic deliverance sessions because they were dealing with demons face to face. But do not fear and despair. Personal deliverance is usually the best approach to deliverance. One time or another, one may need help from ministers of God. But in the end, you personally know whether you are free or not.
The most important thing to know is you already have victory at your reach, all you have to do is take it. Always remember that and always speak it out loud. Jesus already died on the cross and He said, "it is finished". Therefore all we need to do is take this freedom that Christ gave us, kick the devil out of our lives and live in the victory that was ours from the beginning. In our mistakes, we let the devil gain legal ground and have a right to be in our lives. But now that we are accepting complete Lordship of Christ in our lives, we can not share in a table with demons. We are more than conquerors through Christ. Nothing can separate us from the love of Christ, that is why in whatever deceit that the devil has had us live in, his time is up. We arise and take our places in total freedom.
In dealing with deliverance from spirits of sexual perversion, there are things that need to be broken by the power and the blood of Jesus.
◆Sexual blood covenants
◆Soul ties 

◆Works of the flesh/ sin in your flesh or body
◆Strongholds and imaginations that have exalted themselves above the knowledge of Christ. For example, the lie of thinking that having sex means you're experiencing true love
◆Sexual perverse spirits and related sins
◆Destroying altars of sin
Start praying and casting out the devil and his works in your life. Start purposing in your heart to change your ways, and indeed change them. It has to be deliberate and on purpose that you want to be free.

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