This is the problem with building a relationship on the foundation of fornication (sex in action or perverse thoughts before marriage): whatever it is that caused the man/woman to sin with you before marriage, he/she may see it in another person in an even better version. If he/she sinned with you because of your looks, your money, your kindness, or because you were both "in love"; falling into sexual sin again in marriage is almost inevitable. Fornication is a beast that never gets satisfied. It's always seeking a new high. It feeds, and feeds and feeds and never genuinely gives back in benevolence. Before marriage it is called fornication, in marriage it may still remain but it changes it's name into adultery. Fornication opens doorways that affect our later lives.

The word of God us true, does not change and always remains:
1 Thessalonians 4:3-5, 7
For this is the will of God, your sanctification, that you should abstain from fornication:
That every one of you should know how to possess his vessel in sanctification and honour:
Not in the lust of concupiscence (strong sexual desire; lust) like the Gentiles who know not God:
For God hath not called us unto uncleanness, but unto holiness.
Therefore he who rejects this does not reject man, but God, who has also given us His Holy Spirit. 

Living in fornication causes one to decline to a reprobate/ degenerate mind, falling further and further into sin. 

Romans 1:27
And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient.

Fornication is first sinning against God then sinning against yourself and others. The word of God tells us the wages/harvest of sin is death. Death of marriages, death of a fulfilling life, death of our vibrant relationship with God... 

Tackle fornication and many other sins in your singlehood, it is wiser to bear the yoke in your youth. Carry your cross now and follow Christ, His yoke is easy, His burden is light. Matthew 16:24-25, Matthew 11:29-30. 

Lamentations 3:27, 40
It is good for a man to bear
The yoke in his youth.
Let us search out and examine our ways,
And turn back to the Lord
Why do I need deliverance to be set free from sexually perverted spirits? I do not feel bound.
◆If I stopped living that lifestyle of sin and have no interest in it, do I still need to do deliverance?
◆I already asked God for forgiveness of past sins, do I still need to do deliverance?
◆I am already married and I believe I am happy. I fornicated with my spouse before marriage, do we still need to do deliverance?

Deliverance is a process which when one experiences it personally, they will discover so many layers about deliverance that are so profound.
I have talked about deliverance on other articles, in the REPAIR AND PURGE THE ALTAR series, if you scroll down the Sanctified People Facebook page you will see them. I talked about why we do deliverance on any matter.

Jesus not only forgave people's sins but DELIVERED them from wicked spirits that were binding them. He didn't speak positive affirmations to them or wish them well or imagine they had no demons or influences of demons; He CAST the demons OUT. Demons have to be cast out. Deliverance is a ministry tool that the church today has avoided, leaving congregations bound. 

Jesus ministry from start to end was purely deliverance i.e setting us free from the kingdom of darkness into His marvellous Kingdom of light. The ultimate deliverance was Him dying on the cross as a perfect lamb for the redemption of man.
God's structure is that sexual intimacy is to be had in a marriage; not before (fornication) or out of it (adultery). Sexual intimacy within a God ordained marriage reflects the covenant that God has with us. Sexual intimacy is more spiritual than it is physical. When done out of God's order, it creates soul ties, Sexual blood covenants, and opens up doorways for the devil to have a legal right/ground over virtually any area in our lives. Sexual demons are the number one destroyers of a blessed single hood season. These are also, as we all know, the number one destroyers of marriage.
Many times one can know when something is amiss in their spiritual lives, but one does not have to feel sad, be broke, experience bad things to know that they are bound. Sometimes, we take an anomaly as a normal thing in our lives because we are used to it, not knowing that we are in a spiritual prison. Just like the Pharisees were bound and did not know, but believed that they were better than other people, you can be bound and not know that you are bound.
Matthew 23:26
Blind Pharisee, first cleanse the inside of the cup and dish, that the outside of them may be clean also.

As long as you went against God's commands concerning anything in your life, it means that you do not have a full revelation and understanding about God's will and commands concerning that matter. This can keep you bound and have you walking below par of the victorious life that you should be living by now.
Also, as long as you went against God's commands concerning anything in your life, you opened a doorway for the devil to come into your life and have a legal ground to do whatever he pleased with your life. Demons and influences of demons can lay dormant in our lives and rise up and start manifesting when we least expect.

For example a saved friend was in a fornicating dating relationship with her husband before they got married. They got a daughter out of wedlock and decided to later get married. Everything was going on fine for the first years until Rhoda* discovered that her husband was having an adulterous affair with a workmate. This floored her. When she asked what the problem could be, the problem lay in the foundation of the marriage. It was built on fornication hence allowing the devil to get into the marriage. The sexually perverted spirit of fornication was now manifesting in another way in their marriage, it was manifesting as adultery. Sexually perverted spirits are usually related in that they can manifest in many ways. They can manifest as death eg abortion or miscarriages. They can cause anger, quarrelling, strife and murder. Spirits of sexual perversion can also cause financial bondage and poverty.
The devil attacks the area of sexual purity because it reflects the holiness of God in a perfect covenant with us. True Perfect Godly Love cannot have even one speck of evil in it. True Perfect Godly Love cannot be marred by sexual perverted spirits. True, Perfect, Godly Love produces blessings that overflow into many other areas of our lives. You will find a God ordained couple that say they have never argued in their marriage or have very minimal problems and you will wonder is that even possible? It is because they learnt to mortify their flesh and carnal nature and made themselves subject to the commands of God in ensuring that they embodied the True, Perfect and Godly Love of God even before they ever met their God ordained spouse. They were already living a pure and chaste life and didn't fornicate before marriage. Purity to them isn't because they were looking for a spouse. Purity is because God commands holiness. And because they sought the righteousness of God first, God added everything else unto them including their God ordained spouse and peace.

More reasons why we do deliverance of spirits of sexual perversion and deliverance of anything that may be binding us:
  • We do deliverance of sexually perverted spirits if we once lived in these sins or are currently living in these sins and want to be set free from this sin.
  • We do deliverance to renew our minds to know God's will, to have Christ working in us, changing us everyday.
  • We do deliverance to close any gaps that we created on the hedge of protection that God puts around us.
  •  We do deliverance to go after our Godly virtues and blessings that the devil has stolen from us when we were in sin.
  •  We do deliverance to repent, stop sinning and start living actively, deliberately and purposefully under the will and commands of God.
  • We do deliverance to live the life that God has called and created us to live.
  • We do deliverance to cast the devil out of our lives.
  • We do deliverance so that we can teach our children how to live pure and holy lives.
  • We do deliverance to allow God to deploy His power in our lives against the schemes of satan.
  • We do deliverance to clean up our lives and allow God's perfect will to be done in our lives.

Deliverance has so much power, the devil is afraid of it. Once we get right with God, there's so much power we hold and we can begin living victorious and peaceful lives in God.
Consider the Daniel, Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego; when they chose purity and not to defile themselves, God opened to them doors in their lives that were even beyond what the presidents and princes of that time could ever think of.
We may think we are okay and we're doing good, but what about what God can do for us? It's not just about wealth and recognition, it's about being in right standing with God, about HIS righteousness and not our righteousness. It's about having our minds renewed and transformed to understand His will and why He commands us to live holy, pure, sanctified lives. It's about living in the wonderful peace that He gives us that surpasses human understanding. Not the peace of that this world perpetuates it can give, but the peace that God gives.

John 14:27
Peace I leave with you; MY PEACE I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.
Deliverance ushers us into the beauty and blessings of purity, holiness and sanctification.




The essence of the ministry of Jesus here on earth was purely deliverance. By Him dying on the cross, that was the ultimate deliverance and victory. When began His ministry, He went to the synagogue to declare His mandate. 

Luke 4:18-19, (Isaiah 61)
The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he hath anointed me to preach the gospel to the poor; He hath sent me to heal the brokenhearted, to preach deliverance to the captives, and recovering of sight to the blind, to set at liberty them that are bruised.
That is deliverance. And it is fast becoming a missing tool in today's Christianity. It is not just merely casting out devils; it is breaking wrong mindsets to be renewed to the word of God, it is pulling down strongholds and wicked altars, it is repentance and turning completely away from sin, it is dying to the flesh and carnal nature and living life through the Spirit, it is taking back Godly virtues and blessings that the devil has stolen from us. It is simply coming out of darkness into the marvellous light of God. It is having an unhindered relationship with God and having the joy of salvation.
There are perceptions about deliverance that do not sit well with a lot of people. First the "drama" involved. That one has to fall down, start rolling, convulsing and many other things we have seen happening. It may or may not happen depending on the level of involvement with the kingdom of darkness. For example those directly or indirectly involved in witchcraft may have dramatic deliverance sessions because they were dealing with demons face to face. But do not fear and despair. Personal deliverance is usually the best approach to deliverance. One time or another, one may need help from ministers of God. But in the end, you personally know whether you are free or not.
The most important thing to know is you already have victory at your reach, all you have to do is take it. Always remember that and always speak it out loud. Jesus already died on the cross and He said, "it is finished". Therefore all we need to do is take this freedom that Christ gave us, kick the devil out of our lives and live in the victory that was ours from the beginning. In our mistakes, we let the devil gain legal ground and have a right to be in our lives. But now that we are accepting complete Lordship of Christ in our lives, we can not share in a table with demons. We are more than conquerors through Christ. Nothing can separate us from the love of Christ, that is why in whatever deceit that the devil has had us live in, his time is up. We arise and take our places in total freedom.
In dealing with deliverance from spirits of sexual perversion, there are things that need to be broken by the power and the blood of Jesus.
◆Sexual blood covenants
◆Soul ties 

◆Works of the flesh/ sin in your flesh or body
◆Strongholds and imaginations that have exalted themselves above the knowledge of Christ. For example, the lie of thinking that having sex means you're experiencing true love
◆Sexual perverse spirits and related sins
◆Destroying altars of sin
Start praying and casting out the devil and his works in your life. Start purposing in your heart to change your ways, and indeed change them. It has to be deliberate and on purpose that you want to be free.


Perversion means an alteration of the truth. A marring of the truth to fit a lie. Perversion is deceit. Satan is the father of lies and has altered what true Godly Benevolent Love is by presenting a counterfeit: Sexual Perversion (lie/ alteration). In the worldly culture today, love is all about feelings. And this has become dangerous and down right base and degenerate. If we base love on feelings, then it's no wonder the Church seems to be losing the fight on same sex marriages. Many Christians marry because they "Feel" love towards the other person. The divorce rate in churches is no different than the rates outside the church. If its about feelings, then anyone can love and marry anyone or anything including people of the same sex and even animals because they "feel" in love. The church refuses same sex marriages because they are not based on the word of God, but the church goes ahead and refuses to base their marriages on the word of God and instead embraces feelings based marriages instead of God ordained, Godly Perfect Love marriages.

Godly Love is based on the word of God. It doesn't matter what we "feel" or what we have gone through and invested in the other person. What matters is: are we in obedience to the word of God? Are we listening to God? King David "felt" love for Bathsheba. Was he in accordance to God's word? Potiphar's wife felt something for Joseph. Was she in accordance to God's will?  Sechem declared and showed his undieing love for Dinah but her brothers called it prostitution. Ammnon "felt" love for Tamar to the point that he became sick. Jacob "felt" love for Rachel but did he know the essence of Godly Love when he showed Leah disfavour? Whatever you feel is void if it's not in accordance to the word of God. Feelings are mostly based on lust. Obedience will lead to True Godly Love.
Sexual perversion covers a multitude of sexual sins. And each sexual perversion has a demonic spirit behind it hence, spirits of sexual perversion. I will mention some:
◆Fornication also referred to as whoredom/unpaid prostitution/ harlotry is sex before marriage and all sexual activities before marriage: sexting, dry humping, phone sex, masturbation, kissing, fondling/petting, sex play, oral sex, anal sex
◆Adultery also referred to as prostitution/idolatry/ whoredom/ harlotry
◆Cohabitation/ come-we-stay/prostitution/ whoredom/ harlotry
◆Phone sex operator/ phone sex
◆BDSM: Bondage and discipline, Dominance and submission, Sadism and Masochism
◆Pedophilia, pederasty
◆Child sexualisation
◆Bestiality/ zoophilia
◆Sex toys and paraphernalia including sexual lingerie & fetishism clothing
◆Sexual fantasy
◆Wandering eye/ ogling
◆Lap/pole dancing/ sexual dancing
◆Satanic sexual rituals
◆Molestation/rape/sexual grooming
◆Sexual fetishism
◆Prostitution & whoredom (paid or unpaid/fornication/adultery)

All the above and more, are sins and spirits of sexual perversion.
But thank be to Jesus Christ who died on the cross to wash away our sins through His precious blood. We are forgiven and can be freed and delivered from demonic influence and bondage if we repent and turn away from our wicked ways.

2 Chronicles 7:14
If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.
Repenting of one's sins is not just a mere "I am sorry, forgive me". It is turning away completely from that sin and seeking God to be free from the bondage of demonic spirits. It is taking deliberate, purposeful and focused steps in God to total freedom. This is called deliverance: being set free. You can do deliverance on your own and it is actually the best deliverance because you cannot lie to yourself or to God. You can seek deliverance from Godly deliverance for further help. 

Deliverance can be extensive taking days and even months depending on the level of involvement in the sin. It is a process; a beautiful journey of growing closer and more intimate with God, and finding the restoration of the joy of salvation. It is rarely a one time event.

It may require fasting.
It involves humbly admitting ones sins Psalms 51:3-4, confessing the sins by name, repenting and asking for forgiveness, forgiving others, verbally accepting to be under the guidance of God, His Holy Spirit and His word, verbally declaring to be a new creature in Christ and no longer being in the kingdom of darkness, 2 Corinthians 5:17. Verbally cast out demons by mentioning them, for example,
"spirit of pornography, masturbation I command you to leave my mind, my body, my spirit and my soul, in the Name of Jesus. You no longer have a place in my life, I refuse to participate in perversions. I am a child of God, a new creature, washed and sanctified by the blood of Jesus that He shed on the cross for the redemption of mankind. I command you perverse spirits to leave in the name of Jesus. I am free in the name of Jesus." 

One needs to stand firmly in God and in His word to avoid to be in bondage again, Galatians 5:1.
Keep resisting the devil and his temptations and he will flee from you, James 4:7
Run away from lusts and do not keep friends/ relationships which compromise you freedom and salvation. It is better to be alone in this walk of faith than to have a million friends who will set you on your path to hell.

Destroy/ burn and throw away memorabilia, gifts from romantic relationships, paraphernalia eg sex toys, movies, clothes, beddings, furniture that represent sexual perversion or that you fornicated in. Deuteronomy 12:3.
Do this in wisdom and trust and believe in God and He will provide the resources to get new things which are not the altar of the devil.
Anoint and pray over your body dedicating it to God to be for holy purposes only. Romans 6:12-14, Romans 12:1-2.

That is just a nutshell of deliverance. We can delve deeper into deliverance from spirits of sexual perversion on a different article.
Know this: the devil has lost his fight of deceit because we the children of God have victory in the truth of God, His word.

John 8:32
And you shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free.