Part Two: Deliverance Prayers.

Copy this link to your browser's search to read part one. 


Remember, with household wickedness, the devil seeks to make you evil and wicked because of the offence you feel against your tormentors. When you become wicked, your prayers before God become a sin, Psalms 109:7. Express your hurt and pain before God in your prayer closet, He is close to the broken hearted.  Ask Him to heal you and touch your heart to soften it to be able to pray in clear perspective. 

The righteous cry, and the Lord heareth, and delivereth them out of all their troubles.
The Lord is nigh unto them that are of a broken heart; and saveth such as be of a contrite (repentant) spirit. 
Psalms 34:17-18

Stop meddling in other people's business, and mind your own and be quiet. David was quiet watching flock in the fields. Do not be all over people who don't like you, you will always find something negative to say about them because they will irritate you. 

Repeat any prayer points that you feel need to be stressed upon as per your situation. 
Pray for at least 30 minutes to an hour. 

◆ In the name of Jesus, I refuse to participate in petty bickering, gossiping,  confrontations, arguments and quarrels. I shall not argue with fools, in the name of Jesus.

◆ Oh God my Father, I shall obey your command to live peaceably with people as much as you have laid in me. Rom 12:18, Heb 12:14 

◆ God, bless my persecutors as You have said in your word that we bless those who persecute us. Enable me not to repay evil for evil because vengeance is yours oh Lord. Enable me not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good. Rom 12:14-21

◆ Father, I repent (repentance means knowing the gravity of your sins and turning away from those wicked ways). Forgive me of my ignorance of not seeing the real enemy at work. Forgive me for diving in into fights, anger, bitterness  vengeance and grudges. Forgive me for allowing the devil to have an upper hand in this place (mention the place) through my participation.

◆ Father, I shall deal with this matter prayerfully. I give myself unto prayer. Ps 109:4

◆ Father, I do not know what is tormenting this people (mention them by name) to cause them to torment me, but I surrender them to you. Deal with them as you see fit, in the name of Jesus. Vengeance belongs to you.  Deuteronomy 32:35, Romans 12:17-19

◆ In the name of Jesus, No. weapon formed against me shall prosper
I cancel and condemn the tounge that rises up against me, in the name of Jesus. Isa 54:17 

◆ Thunder fire of God, incinerate the household wickedness strongman operating in my life, in the name of Jesus.

◆ I come against the habitation of the strongman of household wickedness in this place (mention the place), in the name of Jesus. Fire! of the Holy Ghost upon the camp of the strongman. I command his habitation to become desolate right now! In the name of Jesus! Ps 69:25 

◆ I command the monitoring eyes of every household wickedness spirits to be darkened right now that they shall not see, in the name of Jesus -Ps 69:23 

◆ Heavenly Father, pour out your indignation upon every household wickedness spirit and let your wrath and anger take hold of them. Ps 69:24 

◆ I shut down the words of every false witness against me, in the mighty name of Jesus. 

◆ Father, I seek you. Let me rejoice and be glad in you. Ps 70:4 

◆ Oh God, You shall prepare a table before me, in the presence of my enemies. Anoint my head with oil, Oh Lord, let my cup overflow. Ps 23:5

◆ I remove the mantle of reproach and rejection from my head. 
Take anointing oil- any oil, pray over it and ask the Holy Spirit to flow through it. Pray over your head, anointing yourself with the oil. Your head is a symbol of authority and leadership. The enemy seeks to disgrace your head.
Set a fair mitre upon my head oh Lord. Zech 3:5

◆ Oh my God, I trust in You: let me not be ashamed, let not my enemies triumph over me. Ps 25:2 

◆ Whatever my enemies meant for evil against me, oh Lord, turn it for my good. Gen 50:20 

◆ Assignment of the strongman of household wickedness, receive your termination now, in the name of Jesus. 

◆ Let my enemies be caught up in their own net, fall into the pit they have dug for me, in the name of Jesus. 

◆ I speak confusion in the camp of the enemy. Ps 70:2 

◆ I rebuke any wicked spirit standing at my right hand to accuse me and resist me. Burn right now with the fire of the Holy Ghost. 

◆ oh, Lord stand at my right hand to save me from those that condemn my soul. Ps109:31 

◆ Household wickedness strongman and your minions, fall down and die right now in the name of Jesus. I shall suffer no sorrow from you. Burn right now in Jesus name. 

◆Household wickedness, whatever blessings and Godly virtues you have stolen from me, restore right now seven times. I take plus spoils, in the name of Jesus. Father, send your warfare angels to recover what the enemy has stolen from me.  

God Almighty, hide me in your secret place, let me abide in your shadow. Keep me in all my ways. Ps 91.

Thank you Jesus, thank you Father, thank You Holy Spirit for the deliverance that you're granting me. 
Sing songs of worship and praise. 
You may need to do these prayers regularly over the course of time before you achieve full victory. 


◆Have you ever felt like you cannot win with your mother in law? 
◆Are there difficult work collegues who are against you and seek your downfall and you have to daily deal with them? 
◆ Are there people who twist your words to use against you to others? 
◆Are there family members that hate you without a cause? 
◆Are there people that you are in close contact with that will never see the good in you? 
◆Is it difficult to deal with some people that you have to see them everyday but it always seems you're at loggerheads with them? 
◆Are there members of the extended family that you're engaged in court or family battles with? 
◆Have you ever doubted the sanity of some people because of how perplexingly they come against you?

Do not trust in a friend;
Do not put your confidence in a companion;
Guard the doors of your mouth
From her who lies in your bosom.
For son dishonors father,
Daughter rises against her mother,
Daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law;
A man’s enemies are the men of his own household. ~ Micah 7:5-6.

With some people, there's just no winning with them. Whatever you say or do can and will be used by them against you in whichever way they can. They won't change, not for anything. And more perplexing is that you cannot please them in any way neither can you mend fences with them even when you choose to humble yourself. Simply put, there's no winning with them. What do you do in such a case, you see them everyday and have to deal with them in one way or another. It feels like a constant battle and its so, so tiring. I mean with these people, it feels like a war strategy every time. It's complicated to deal with them. 

This is called Household Wickedness. It is sheer wickedness which has no foundation or basis operating among a group of people, an establishment or an organisation to destroy and cause division and frustrate plans, purpose and order. Household wickedness seeks to do the work of the devil (steal, kill and destroy) and frustrate you. It seeks to cause division, ruin you and rubbish you. 

If a kingdom is divided against itself, that kingdom cannot stand. And if a house is divided against itself, that house cannot stand.
Mark 3:24-25. 

The verses in Micah show us that the devil can use anyone, even those close to us,to attack and torment us. We should remember first and foremost not to fight people, but to fight the devil who works in people to frustrate us. For our struggle is not against flesh and blood Ephesians 6:12. Of course you may need to speak for yourself upon false accusations if you can, to cancel false witness against you. 

There are spiritual situations I have dealt with and Household Wickedness ranks among the top in wickedness. There is no demon which is good in any slight way, but household wickedness is just pure evil.

You cannot win nor reason with household wickedness. You need to come against it in spiritual warfare. Understandbly, the authorities might need to be involved with serious cases, but when you know the underlying root cause of the problem, it becomes easier and comprehensive to deal with the situation.

Household wickedness seeks to break Godly establishments eg families, people seeking to adopt a Godly culture in their lives, Godly businesses, Christians working in an office etc. Household wickedness spirits are evil spirits set to disrupt the move of the Holy Spirit in a place. Be it a home, a school, an office, an organisation, a church etc. They are all manner of spirits working together to frustrate the plans and purpose among people. 

Examples of household wickedness in the bible:

◆ Cain and Abel were the first people we see dealing with household wickedness. It seems to be a good tactic with the devil since times of old. We witness the first murder because of household wickedness. 
◆ Joseph and his brothers- But when his brothers saw that their father loved him more than all his brothers, they hated him and could not speak peaceably to him...
So they hated him even more for his dreams and for his words...
And his brothers envied him, but his father kept the matter in mind...
Come therefore, let us now kill him and cast him into some pit... 
Come and let us sell him to the Ishmaelites... and sold him to the Ishmaelites for twenty shekels of silver. ~
Genesis 37
◆ Rachel, Leah and Jacob 
◆ Jacob and Laban
◆ Jephthah and his brothers- Gilead’s wife bore sons; and when his wife’s sons grew up, they drove Jephthah out, and said to him, “You shall have no inheritance in our father’s house, for you are the son of another woman.” Then Jephthah fled from his brothers and dwelt in the land of Tob... Judges 11:2-3 
◆ Samson and Delilah. Delilah sold Samson to the Philistines.  
◆ Hannah and Peninah 
◆ David and his brothers. Many instances we see David having to deal with his brothers who wouldn't even speak to him peaceably. It explains David's solitude nature. He wasn't even considered when Samuel went to anoint the king. 
~ I have become a stranger to my brothers and an alien to my mother’s children... Psalms 69
~In return for my love they are my accusers,But I give myself to prayer.
Thus they have rewarded me evil for good, And hatred for my love... Psalms 109:5-6
◆ Absalom and Amnon. Absalom planned his brother's murder for two full years. 
◆ Joab's rendition of Absalom and Amnon's case. 2 Samuel 14:6-7
◆ David and Absalom. A classic case of people of the same nation in bloody fighting against each other. David the king had to flee from his own murderous son!

Household wickedness needs to be cast out as a collection ie household wickedness spirits, because they are many and of different types all working together. They can include: spirit spouse spirits, Jezebel spirits, Ahab spirits, discouragement spirits, strife spirits, offence spirits, lieing spirits, murderous spirits, jealousy spirits, gossip and back biting spirits, tale bearing, complaining and murmuring spirits, cursing spirits, witchcraft spirits, manipulation spirits, 'no winning with them' spirits, poverty spirits, malice spirits, quarrelsome/argumentative spirits, confrontational spirits, bickering spirits, hatred and bitterness spirits, rejection spirits, reproach spirits, depression and sadness spirits, vengeance spirits.
The strongman leading them is what we call household wickedness. The strongman is what you deal with and his minions under him will leave with him too.

When a strong man, fully armed, guards his own palace, his goods are in peace. But when a stronger than he comes upon him and overcomes him, he takes from him all his armor in which he trusted, and divides his spoils. ~ Luke 11:21-22.

No man can enter into a strong man's house, and spoil his goods, except he will first bind the strong man; and then he will spoil his house. ~ Mark 3:27

Next, deliverance prayers against household wickedness. 

Law Of Attraction; 
A Replacement Of Spiritual Warfare/ Deliverance in churches.

Ever since I discovered that the church I was in wasn't sound in scriptural doctrine, I left. Many churches are not sound in scripture. Many pastors have bent to make church be what people want rather than what Christ wants it to be. The problem is, many Christians do not know what they're being taught is new ageism. I listen to people who were once new agers and are now Christians, of course they have a lot of insight about new ageism and how it works. Sadly, the new washed down 'hip and cool' version of Christianity has many aspects of new ageism. It has made Christianity to become so powerless. We join in the world and their beliefs till we find it difficult to distinguish between sound biblical doctrine and the devils doctrines.

(Positive) Affirmations 
Positive thinking

These make up the LAW OF ATTRACTION. This, I realised, were used heavily in the church I was in and it was detrimental to my faith as a Christian and my growth in spiritual matters. We were being taught to practice witchcraft. Many churches use this tool in their teachings.

The law of attraction is the basic principle in witchcraft that a witch and warlock learns. That is what one will use as the core tool in conjuring up spells.

As I continue to get more revelations into the prosperity gospel theology, I see that it has replaced spiritual warfare. We live in a time where Christians do not know spiritual warfare, what it entails and how to stay in it even as the devil wages war against you.

One of the pastors in that previous church I was in would insist that people's problems were not caused by demonic activity suppressing and oppressing them. That they needed to just ignore spiritual matters and move on and stop bothering him about their 'demon' problems. Now, I came to find out people in that church were heavy under demonic attacks in their lives and there was no deliverance in the church to enable them to have victory. One friend of mine suffered so many miscarriages, she was at her wits end. Her marriage was on its knees and she had once left her martial home because of the stress. More and more stories of other women suffering miscarriages came up. Marriages were being afflicted so badly and the spirit of fornication was rampant in that church. Lord have mercy! Those were the signs of marine spirits having a time of their life in that place.

The law of attraction (let's abbreviate it to LOA) is a major component in the Prosperity Gospel Theology. 

In New Age, it is defined as a principle that states that you can have anything you desire, so long as you want it bad enough. This theory, touted as a Law by practitioners and believers, suggests that humans are divine; in fact, we’re creators. Everything that ever was and ever will be was created by a cosmic desire to make it so, thus we have the power to manifest our own reality in the here and now. 

The Law of Attraction, as it is now known, is not really the breakthrough that it claims to be. Magicians and Occult practitioners have been engaging in this philosophy for ages. In an effort to make it sound cutting edge, proponents of the Law of Attraction couch it in scientific (and religious) terms. 

Through this principle, you can literally focus your thoughts to a specific outcome, and the “universe”, or the energy around you, simply has no choice but to comply with the specific energy output of your positive thoughts. If your positive thoughts are focused on a certain specific outcome, say you want a new shiny red bicycle, the energy around you will work to put events in place that will ultimately result in you receiving said bicycle. Kinda sounds like magic, doesn’t it? (It's because it is!) 


You can read this Wikipedia article on Prosperity Theology to understand more on this phenomenon in today's churches. 


Let's look at some of the descriptions of Prosperity Theology in the article:

"Prosperity theology (sometimes referred to as the prosperity gospel, the health and wealth gospel, or the gospel of success) is a religious belief among some Christians, who hold that financial blessing and physical well-being are always the will of God for them, and that faith, positive speech, and donations to religious causes will increase one's material wealth."

"The doctrine emphasizes the importance of donations of money, visualization, and positive confession."

(Now you know why pastor's gift, seed and tithing are insisted upon in churches and if you don't give money, they say something horribly bad will happen to you.)

The article continues:

"This leads to a belief in positive confession, the doctrine that believers may claim whatever they desire from God, simply by speaking it. Prosperity theology teaches that the Bible has promised prosperity for believers, so positive confession means that believers are speaking in faith what God has already spoken about them. Positive confession is practiced to bring about what is already believed in; faith itself is a confession, and speaking it brings it into reality." 

Above, Joel Osteen and Oprah teaching people to speak positively to change their situations. If Joel is a minister of God, he should be teaching spiritual warfare. (And again, I don't know when a minister of God started being in agreement with a woman who claimed Jesus is not the only way to heaven, that there are many ways to heaven.)

LOA sounds true at face value especially when you don't call it Law Of Attraction but instead call it "thinking positively".

LOA teaches us to speak to cosmic powers, that you're not supposed to speak anything negative because you're drawing negative energy to yourself and you will not attract the good things that you want to manifest in your life.

You're speaking to the power of I Am (another concept I will discuss in another article), and as new agers put it your speaking to the energy of the universe to attract and draw good things into your life. 

Now, someone claimed I was anti the prosperity of Christians. I am not. Even God loves the prosperity of his servants. All I need is for people to know the truth about the counterfeit gospel. First and foremost, what was the mandate of Jesus when He was on earth? His major mandate was deliverance. He came to deliver us from the kingdom of darkness and from the works of the enemy. His death on the cross was the major deliverance for us. His work on the cross gave us even more power against the kingdom of hell in doing deliverance. The apostles and many other servants of Christ began working in the power of the Holy Ghost: healing, CASTING OUT DEMONS, speaking in tongues, working miracles. Surely, it was not a matter of believing in yourself and positively confessing that "I am slender and not fat"  as Joel Osteen preaches. It's about casting out a spirit of gluttony and speaking scripture to the demons that your body is whole by the stripes of Jesus you're healed.

Let me tell you my dear brothers and sisters, you can positive think and confess and affirm positively that your marriage will soon be okay, think positively that you will be healed, affirm that your children will not abuse drugs; but my dear friends, if you do not do spiritual warfare, your words are useless. If you don't get on your knees and start incinerating the devil and his demons, your marriage situation will drag on longer than it should.

Spiritual warfare includes using powerful components like using straight up bible verses in casting the devil out. Using the word of God as your sword. Referring to scripture and speaking it to demons to come out, pack their filthy load and go. All in who's name? In Jesus name! Apply bible verses on yourself and your situations.

Spiritual warfare also includes REPENTANCE and HOLINESS. That is also an aspect that LOA overlooks. That instead of thinking "bad" things like your sins, please just think about rosy things like how blissful you want your life to be and draw that positive energy to yourself. That instead of thinking "difficult" things of trying to live in righteousness, you're not supposed to overwork yourself about such matters because Jesus is cuddly and doesn't want you to stress yourself in working out your salvation. Well then, get ready to be spewed out! Revelation 3:16.

Churches avoid teaching on holiness, repentance, righteousness and sanctification because if they do, they'll literally be left with only 3 attendees. Being a minister of God is a tough call and it requires one to call out sin as it is. It requires for one to be a watchman of righteousness and holiness. But because this is tough, it's thrown out so as not to aggravate people and make them uncomfortable in this age of "judge ye not" easily offended people.

Spiritual warfare also calls for a genuine intimate relationship with God.

There are many aspects to spiritual warfare that I will discuss as I go along in talking about deliverance in articles that I will write. In more articles to come, we shall continue discussing the aspects of prosperity theology gospel and new ageism in the church. 


Ephesians 6:12

For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.

When you've been in sincere prayers concerning your situations, God hears your prayers and begins to send the answers. On the contrary, the enemy who is the accuser of brethren, (Revelation 12:10) stands to resist you and withstand you. 

And he shewed me Joshua the high priest standing before the angel of the Lord, and Satan standing at his right hand to resist him. ~ Zechariah 3:1

Set thou a wicked man over him: and let Satan stand at his right hand. ~Psalms 109:6

The devil has counsellors that file a counter report of your blessings. He brings up all the charges that he can bring against you, with evidence! He doesn't leave anything to chance, he scrapes up also your parents and forefathers iniquities against you. He says why you don't deserve your blessings. He has documents and everything: contracts, covenants, legal ground, letters of accusations (Ezra 4:6-24), certificates, playbacks and all.

And this is the shocking truth of the matter; sometimes the enemy wins the case!

Thus the work of the house of God which is at Jerusalem ceased, and it was discontinued until the second year of the reign of Darius king of Persia. ~ Ezra 4:24 

When he shall be judged, let him be condemned: and let his prayer become sin. ~ Psalms 109:7

This is the heavenly battle in the heavenly courtroom. This happens all while you're praying, fasting and doing spiritual warfare.

If you're praying for God's pure gift that will change the course of your generation and other many generations, you can imagine how heated it is in the heavenly places. You're coming against principalities ruling whole areas and whole generations. You're challenging wicked covenants that have been established, reestablished and sealed by blood.

It is always our sins, iniquities and transgressions that block us. "Our" sins include our own personal sins, those of our parents and forefathers and even those of the people around us as in the case of Eli and his sons.

Iniquities are the sins of our forefathers. Those who set a covenant and foundation of sin even before we were born. Their sins affect us by being passed down the generations because most of the time, they are sealed by blood. 

Our fathers have sinned, and are not; and we have borne their iniquities. ~Lamentations 5:7 

Let the iniquity of his fathers be remembered with the Lord; and let not the sin of his mother be blotted out. 
Let them be before the Lord continually that he may cut off the memory of them from the earth. ~Psalms 109:14-15 

Let me just add, Sexual sin is a sinful blood covenant. That is why whatever you do, the devil will always introduce sexual sin, whether before or within marriage. It's one of the easiest ways he will use to put blood on a sinful covenant. He always needs to seal a deal of some sort to keep a problem going on for many generations. That is why I'm against this sin so much. People do not understand that it is a spiritual matter and it causes problems in the spiritual realm. 

Many spiritual matters are a covenant issue, this is why Jesus shed His blood for the New Covenant, His blood is above all blood that can cancel and nullify all wicked, illegal, satanic and evil blood covenants. His blood only, is pure to cancel all iniquities, sins, and transgressions.

Blotting out the handwriting of ordinances that was against us, which was contrary to us, and took it out of the way, nailing it to his cross;
And having spoiled principalities and powers, he made a shew of them openly, triumphing over them in it. ~Colossians 2:14-15

This is the reason we engage in spiritual warfare as Christians, to get the devil out of our situations. To destroy his demons, and to render asunder his schemes and his plans. 

Just because you're saved doesn't mean all is over. The devil still wants to destroy you. It is our earthly privilege to fight the devil here on earth and devastate his plans. He is defeated in Jesus name!

Part Two: Repentance and warfare prayers against the devil's accusations. 


Let's define the words Sexual Perversion.

Perversion means a distortion of something, to mar the truth. In this case, sexual perversion is a distortion of sex. It is to impair the appearance of sex, to disfigure sex from what God created it for and what His intent was for it.

To pervert is to alter (something) from its original course, meaning, or state, to a distortion or corruption of what was first intended.

To pervert sex is to alter sex from its original course, meaning, or state to a distortion or corruption of what was first intended. To pervert sex is to disfigure sex from what God created it for and what His intent was for it.

The devil has specific demons in charge of distorting sex. These are the spirits of sexual perversion. They are numerous and are among the most strongest destructive of demons. There are demons for every sin of sexual perversion:

◆Fornication (also referred to as whoredom/unpaid prostitution/ harlotry) is sex before marriage and all sexual activities before marriage: sexting, dry humping, phone sex, masturbation, kissing, fondling/petting, sex play, oral sex, anal sex
◆Adultery also referred to as prostitution/idolatry/ whoredom/ harlotry
◆Cohabitation/ come-we-stay/prostitution/ whoredom/ harlotry
◆Phone sex operator/ phone sex
◆BDSM: Bondage and discipline, Dominance and submission, Sadism and Masochism
◆Pedophilia, pederasty
◆Child sexualisation
◆Bestiality/ zoophilia 
◆Sex toys and paraphernalia including sexual lingerie & fetishism clothing 
◆Sexual fantasy 
◆Wandering eye/ ogling 
◆Lap/pole dancing/ sexual dancing
◆Satanic sexual rituals
◆Molestation/rape/sexual grooming
◆Sexual fetishism 
◆Prostitution & whoredom (paid or unpaid/fornication/adultery)

As we can see, the devil who is a wicked deceiver, that serpent of old, a lier; (Revelations 12:9, 20:10 KJV), he distorts, corrupts, alters and perverts the truth of the word of God. Satan distorts, corrupts, alters and perverts the truth of the original intent of sex from what it was meant for and from what God created it for.

The devil corrupts and distorts the wonderful things that God creates. The devil will distort your self esteem, how you value yourself, he will lie to you that you're ugly and you're nothing. The devil will lie to you about sex too. That you should have a boyfriend or a girfriend and that you should have sex if you 'love' each other. The devil will lie to you that you cannot or will never control yourself and that you should give in to sexual pressure because, "everyone is doing it, even everyone in church". The devil will lie to you that you should pursue a man or woman relentlessly until you sleep with him/her. The devil will tell you to masturbate, watch pornography, dress scantily or provocatively, put on lots of makeup because you have to be sexy. He lies to you that your worth is in your sexual value. He lies that if someone doesn't want you sexually, you're not worthy. The devil puts sexual lies in songs, movies, T.V programmes, cartoons, books, magazines, products that we buy and many other things. He lies that if you're not in this sexual band wagon, you're losing out. The devil has been telling lies since the world was created. Genesis 3:1, 4, & 5.

The devil operates mainly through altering the truth of God and deceiving people. He doesn't want the light of the truth of God to shine upon people lest they come to the knowledge of Christ. 
Satan's main agenda is to blind people and to hide true Gospel of Jesus Christ, which is the truth, from people. 

But if our gospel be hid, it is hid to those that are lost, whose minds the god of this world (satan) has blinded the minds of them who do not believe, lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine on them. 
2 Corinthians 4:3-4.

The devil will even have you to live in the deception that he doesn't exist and that  demons do not exist. One of the biggest lies the devil put in Christians is that "you cannot have demons, a Christian cannot have demons". That is a lie of the devil. Of course a Christian can have demons! Lots of them! I was a Christian who had lots of demons until I started doing deliverance and I've been set free in so many areas of my life. 
You have demons even by the fact that you have a lieing problem, a laziness issue, you cannot stop thinking about sex, you're addicted to drugs, alcohol and other things, you're marriage is rocked by adultery, fetishism, lack of love and heartbreak, you keep losing jobs, you're depressed, jealous, sad and unhappy, you're confused and you hate people, you're angry, you don't think you're beautiful, have the wrong friends. 
Do Christians face the above? Of course they do. Because they are affected by demons and they have demons and they need deliverance. Jesus came to set the captives free, and that includes Christians too!

Jesus said:

"The Spirit of the Lord is upon Me, because He hath anointed Me to preach the Gospel to the poor. He hath sent Me to heal the brokenhearted, to preach deliverance to the captives, and recovering of sight to the blind, to set at liberty them that are bruised, to preach the acceptable year of the Lord."
Luke 4:18 

He was talking about everyone. He wasn't excluding those who believe in Him. Deliverance (casting out  the devil and his demons) is especially meant for Christians (one who believes in Jesus Christ and walks in His ways. I'm not talking about a wishy washy church pew warmer). A Christian has been given the power to cast out demons. Deliverance is infact a privilege for Christians here on earth. We are soldiers of Christ, we have who do spiritual warfare. 2 Timothy 2:3-4. 
When you are a Christian, demons are subject to you (Luke 10:20) and the power you have. You can cast them out. 
Many things we face and do are because of the spiritual realm. Satan is a spirit therefore we must engage him in spiritual warfare. 

For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. 
Ephesians 6:12. 

Behold, I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt you. 
Luke 10:19