Part Two: Deliverance Prayers.
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Remember, with household wickedness, the devil seeks to make you evil and wicked because of the offence you feel against your tormentors. When you become wicked, your prayers before God become a sin, Psalms 109:7. Express your hurt and pain before God in your prayer closet, He is close to the broken hearted. Ask Him to heal you and touch your heart to soften it to be able to pray in clear perspective.
The righteous cry, and the Lord heareth, and delivereth them out of all their troubles.
The Lord is nigh unto them that are of a broken heart; and saveth such as be of a contrite (repentant) spirit.
Psalms 34:17-18
Stop meddling in other people's business, and mind your own and be quiet. David was quiet watching flock in the fields. Do not be all over people who don't like you, you will always find something negative to say about them because they will irritate you.
Repeat any prayer points that you feel need to be stressed upon as per your situation.
Pray for at least 30 minutes to an hour.
◆ In the name of Jesus, I refuse to participate in petty bickering, gossiping, confrontations, arguments and quarrels. I shall not argue with fools, in the name of Jesus.
◆ Oh God my Father, I shall obey your command to live peaceably with people as much as you have laid in me. Rom 12:18, Heb 12:14
◆ God, bless my persecutors as You have said in your word that we bless those who persecute us. Enable me not to repay evil for evil because vengeance is yours oh Lord. Enable me not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good. Rom 12:14-21
◆ Father, I repent (repentance means knowing the gravity of your sins and turning away from those wicked ways). Forgive me of my ignorance of not seeing the real enemy at work. Forgive me for diving in into fights, anger, bitterness vengeance and grudges. Forgive me for allowing the devil to have an upper hand in this place (mention the place) through my participation.
◆ Father, I shall deal with this matter prayerfully. I give myself unto prayer. Ps 109:4
◆ Father, I do not know what is tormenting this people (mention them by name) to cause them to torment me, but I surrender them to you. Deal with them as you see fit, in the name of Jesus. Vengeance belongs to you. Deuteronomy 32:35, Romans 12:17-19
◆ In the name of Jesus, No. weapon formed against me shall prosper
I cancel and condemn the tounge that rises up against me, in the name of Jesus. Isa 54:17
◆ Thunder fire of God, incinerate the household wickedness strongman operating in my life, in the name of Jesus.
◆ I come against the habitation of the strongman of household wickedness in this place (mention the place), in the name of Jesus. Fire! of the Holy Ghost upon the camp of the strongman. I command his habitation to become desolate right now! In the name of Jesus! Ps 69:25
◆ I command the monitoring eyes of every household wickedness spirits to be darkened right now that they shall not see, in the name of Jesus -Ps 69:23
◆ Heavenly Father, pour out your indignation upon every household wickedness spirit and let your wrath and anger take hold of them. Ps 69:24
◆ I shut down the words of every false witness against me, in the mighty name of Jesus.
◆ Father, I seek you. Let me rejoice and be glad in you. Ps 70:4
◆ Oh God, You shall prepare a table before me, in the presence of my enemies. Anoint my head with oil, Oh Lord, let my cup overflow. Ps 23:5
◆ I remove the mantle of reproach and rejection from my head.
Take anointing oil- any oil, pray over it and ask the Holy Spirit to flow through it. Pray over your head, anointing yourself with the oil. Your head is a symbol of authority and leadership. The enemy seeks to disgrace your head.
Set a fair mitre upon my head oh Lord. Zech 3:5
◆ Oh my God, I trust in You: let me not be ashamed, let not my enemies triumph over me. Ps 25:2
◆ Whatever my enemies meant for evil against me, oh Lord, turn it for my good. Gen 50:20
◆ Assignment of the strongman of household wickedness, receive your termination now, in the name of Jesus.
◆ Let my enemies be caught up in their own net, fall into the pit they have dug for me, in the name of Jesus.
◆ I speak confusion in the camp of the enemy. Ps 70:2
◆ I rebuke any wicked spirit standing at my right hand to accuse me and resist me. Burn right now with the fire of the Holy Ghost.
◆ oh, Lord stand at my right hand to save me from those that condemn my soul. Ps109:31
◆ Household wickedness strongman and your minions, fall down and die right now in the name of Jesus. I shall suffer no sorrow from you. Burn right now in Jesus name.
◆Household wickedness, whatever blessings and Godly virtues you have stolen from me, restore right now seven times. I take plus spoils, in the name of Jesus. Father, send your warfare angels to recover what the enemy has stolen from me.
God Almighty, hide me in your secret place, let me abide in your shadow. Keep me in all my ways. Ps 91.
Thank you Jesus, thank you Father, thank You Holy Spirit for the deliverance that you're granting me.
Sing songs of worship and praise.
You may need to do these prayers regularly over the course of time before you achieve full victory.